Peking Opera is regarded as the national opera in China. It has a long history and a complete system of stage performance. It was originally a local drama in Anhui Province. Peking Opera absorbed various elements of its forerunner, such assigning, dancing and acrobatics, and adapted itself in language and style of singing for Beijing audiences. As time went by, it gained popularity all over the country and became the most popular and influential dramatic form on Chinese stage. Performers use body language tore present actions such as
opening or closing the door, going up or down a building or a mountain. By such techniques, Peking Opera has made it possible to turn a small stage into the whole world.
1.被视为:可译为be regarded as或be considered as. 2.前身:可译为forerunner或predecessor
3.随着时间的推移:可译为固定表达as time went by,也可以用as time passed表达 4.在...上做了调整:可译为adapt…in… 5.肢体语言:可译为body language
过年吃年糕(New Year cake)是中国人的风俗之一,年糕是过年必备的食品。年糕在我国已有2000多年的历史了,至今仍受人们的喜爱。它是用米粉 (riceflour)蒸制而成的食品。年糕分南式、北式两种。南式以广东、苏州年糕为最好,其香味纯正,口感细腻,不软不硬。煮时不融,煎时不化。深受人们喜爱。炒年糕是年糕的特色吃法。它有很多种做法,不同的做法用到不同的原料,每一种都美味可口,营养丰富。 参考翻译
It is one of Chinese customs to eat New Year cake during the Spring Festival. New Year cake is an essential food prepared for the Chinese New Year. It has a history of over 2,000 years in China and is still popular nowadays. It is steamed food made of rice flour. There are two kinds of New Year cake: the southern style and the northern style. Those made in Guangdong and Suzhou provinces are the best among southern style New Year cakes because they are pure in fragrance, delicate in taste and neither hard nor soft. They do not melt when cooked and fried, so they are warmly welcomed by people. Fried New Year cake is an unique method of eating New Year cakes. It can be cooked in many ways, and different methods require different ingredients, each of which is delicious and nutritious. 1.仍受人们的喜爱:可译为be still popular。
2.必备食品:可译为 essential food 或 indispensable food。其中 essential 和 indispensable皆意为“必不可少的”。
3.香味纯正,口感细腻,不软不硬:可译为pure in fragrance,delicate in taste and neither hard nor soft.
4.煮时不融,煎时不化:“融”和“化”是一个概念,可用melt表示,故此处可译为 It does not melt when cooked and fried.
秧歌(Yangko dance),也称“扭秧歌”,是中国最具代表性的民间舞蹈,也是歌唱艺术和舞蹈艺术的独特融合。秧歌源于插秧(rice seedling transplanting)和犁地等农业劳动,与很久以前崇拜农神(farming god)、祈求丰收的歌曲有关。受农耕歌、民歌、民间功夫等影响,秧歌成为一种民间歌舞。秧歌不仅是表演艺术,也是自娱自乐的活动。只要有盛大节日,人们就会组织秧歌比赛和秧歌表演。由于其欢乐的场面和生动的表演形式,秧歌受到男女老少的普遍欢迎。
The Yangko dance, also known as “twisting Yangkodance”, is the most representative folk dance in China and a special combination of singing art and dancing art. The Yangko dance sprang from the labor activities of rice seedling transplanting and farmland ploughing, and was linked to songs used to worship the God of Farm to pray for a good harvest long time ago. Influenced by farming songs, folk songs, folk Kungfu and soon, it has become a kind of folk song and dance. The Yangko dance is not only a performing art, but also a self-amusement activity. People will organize Yangko dance competitions and performances whenever there is a great festival. Because of its cheerful scene, rich body language and vivid performing style, the Yangko dance is very popular among men and women, the old and the young. 1.也称:可译为 also known as或also called
2.最具代表性的民间舞蹈:可译为the most representative folk dance 3.独特融合:可以理解为“…的独特结合”,译为a special combination of…
4.插秧和犁地:可译为rice seedling transplanting and farmland ploughing其中transplant意为“插秧,栽种”;plough意为“耕,犁”。
5.崇拜农神、祈求丰收:可译为worship farming god to pray for good harvest。farming god意为“农神 ”。
6.自娱自乐的活动:可译为self-amusement activity。 7.盛大节日:可译为a great festival或a grand festival。
8.欢乐的场面、丰富的肢体语言和生动的表演形式:可译为cheerful scene, rich body language and vivid performing style。
9.男女老少:可译为men and women, the old and the young。
当我们提到“过年”的时候,你脑子里首先想到的是什么?有红灯笼、红对联 (couplets)、红爆竹和红色的中国结。的确,红色对于中国人是不可或缺的一种颜色。中国红意味着平安、喜庆、和谐、团圆,意味着事事顺利、祛病除灾。有人这么形容中国红:中国红吸纳了朝阳最富生命力的元素,采撷了晚霞最绚丽迷人的光芒,凝聚着血液最浓稠活跃的成分,融人了相思豆(jequirity)最细腻的情感,浸染了枫叶最成熟的晚秋意象。
When we talk about “Chinese New Year' what occurs to your mind first? They are red lanterns, red couplets, red firecrackers and red Chinese knots. Indeed, red is an indispensable color for Chinese people. Chinese red means peace, joy, harmony, and reunion; it also means everything goes well and it can drive away illness and disaster. Someone describes Chinese red in this way: Chinese red absorbs the most dynamic element of the rising sun; it picks the most beautiful and charming light of sunset glow; it embodies the thickest and most active ingredient of blood; it contains the most delicate emotions of jequirity; and it shapes the most: mature imagery of maple leaves in late autumn.
1.脑子里首先想到的是什么:可译为what occurs to one's mind first?或what comes to one's mind first?
3.事事顺利:可译为everything goes well。
4.祛病除灾:这里面的“驱”和“除”表达同样的含义,可用drive away表达,故此 处可译为 drive away illness and disaster。
5.吸纳了朝阳最富生命力的元素:“吸纳”即absorb,“朝阳”即“升起的太阳”, 译为the rising sun,“富有生命力的元素”可译为dynamic element。
6.采撷了晚霞最绚丽迷人的光芒:“采撷”可译为pick,“绚丽迷人的光芒”可译为beautiful and charming light,“晚霞”可译为sunset glow。
9.最细腻的情感:可译为the most delicate emotions。
10.浸染了枫叶最成熟的晚秋意象:可以理解为“(中国红)塑造了晚秋时节枫叶最成熟的意象”,故可译为 it shapes the most mature imagery of maple leaves in late autumn。其中,shape意为“塑造”,imagery意为“意象”。
每种文化都有自己的行为准则,中国也不例外。在中国,跟别人打招呼时,你或者点个头,或者微微鞠个躬。握手也很常见,但你要等到中国朋友先伸手才可以。另外,与西方社会的做法截然相反,中国人不太喜欢被陌生人触碰。所以不 要轻易地触碰别人,除非你完全有这样的必要。最后一点,根据儒家思想 (Confiicianism)的观点,老人在任何情况下都应该受到年轻人的尊敬。你应该总是以老人为先,并对他们表本最大的敬意。
Every culture has its rules on how to act,and China is no different. In China, to greet someone, you nod your head,or you bow slightly. Handshakes are also common, but you should wait for your Chinese partner to initiate the motion. In addition,as opposed to those found in Western society,Chinese people do not enjoy being touched by strangers. Don’t touch someone unless you absolutely have to. Finally, from the perspective of Confucianism, the elders are to be respected in every situation by those who are younger. You should always acknowledge the elders first, and show the most respect to them. 1.行为准则:有多种译法,如rules on how to act, rules of conduct或standard of behavior。
2.中国也不例外:可译为China is no different或China is no exception。 3.打招呼:即greet。
4.截然相反:可译为as opposed to。
5.在任何情况下:可使用短语in every situation表达。 6.以老人为先:可译为acknowledge the elders first。
香囊(scented sachet),古代也称“香袋”,通常是用布缝制或彩色丝线编织的 袋子,里面
塞满香草(aromatic herbs)。香囊最初用来吸汗、驱虫和避邪。香囊不仅 有用,而且可作装饰品。它们的形状和大小各异,有圆形、椭圆形和其他形状。它 们通常配有精致的图案,每个图案都象征着特别的含义。例如,双鱼或成对蝴蝶 图案象征男女之爱;莲花或牡丹花(peony flower)等图案象征女性;松树和仙鹤 图案象征长寿;石榴(guava)图案象征很多孩子。漂亮的香囊不仅是装饰品,而且 含有丰富的文化和历史内涵。
Scented sachets, also called “fragrant bags” in ancient times, are bags usually sewed with cloth or weaved with multicolor silk threads and stuffed with aromatic herbs. The fragrant bags were originally used for absorbing sweat, repelling insects and warding off evils. Scented sachets are not only useful, but also ornamental. They come indifferent shapes and sizes, such as round, oval and many others. And they are normally decorated with elaborate patterns, with each pattern symbolizing a special meaning. For instance, a double-fish or double-butterfly pattern symbolizes the love between a man and a woman; patterns like lotus or peony flowers symbolize women; pine and crane patterns symbolize longevity and a guava pattern is the symbol of lots of children. A nice scented sachet is not just an ornament, but more of something that contains cultural and historical richness. 1.也称..:即“又称”,译为also called… 2.里面塞满香草:“塞满,,可用动词stuff表达,故此处译为stuffed with aromatic herbs。 其中“香草”译为aromatic herbs。
3.吸汗、驱虫和避邪:可译为absorbing sweat,repelling insects and warding off evils。动词前是介词for,故用动名词形式。
4.它们的形状和大小各异:可译为They come in different shapes and sizes.其中 come表示“以某些颜色、形式、样式、尺码出现”,例如Bicycles come in all shapes and sizes.自行车的形状和大小各异。
5.每个图案都象征着特别的含义:可译为with each pattern symbolizing a special meaning。
6.石榴图案象征很多孩子:可译为 a guava pattern symbolizes lots of children。 光棍节(Singles'Day)是每年的11月11日,它是单身人群专属节日。事实上,单身人
Singles'Day falls on November 11th each year, and this new holiday is one exclusively for people who are still single. In fact, China is the only country in the world that has a special day for singles to celebrate their life. Singles’Day was first celebrated at various universities in China in the 1990s. It got the name Singles'Day because the date consists of four “ones”. The popular way to celebrate Singles' Day is to have dinner with your single friends. Many singles also hope to say goodbye to their single life on this day. Many go to blind date parties and many choose to marry on this day. In addition to meaning “single”, the four “ones” of the date can also refer to “only one” as in “the only one for me”.
1.专属:可用副词exclusively表达,译为be exclusively for。其形容词形式为 exclusive。
2.包含:可理解为“由...组成”,可译为consist of, be comprised of或be made up with,也可用include—词来表示。
3.庆祝光棍节的流行方式:可译为the popular way to celebrate Singles'Day。 4.告别单身生活:即“向单身生活说再见”,可译为say goodbye to their single life。其中say goodbye to表示“向...告辞,告别”。 5.相亲会:可译为固定表达blind date parties。
6.代表“我的唯一”里的唯一:可译为refer to “only one” as in “the only one for me”。 同一种动物在东西方不同的文化背景下所表达的含义不尽相同。在西方人眼里,蝙蝠就是一
个邪恶、丑陋的吸血鬼(bloodsucker)。但是在我国南方,旧式住 宅的门上常常雕刻着蝙蝠,因为蝙蝠是好运、健康、财富、幸福的象征。西方人认 为孔雀走起路来总是趾高气扬,目中无人,头冠(crown)频频摆动,还不时开屏炫耀其美丽,这是“骄傲”、“虚荣”的表现。而中国人认为孔雀开屏是喜庆吉祥的象征,所以人们常用孔雀比喻美丽的人或事物。
The same animal in different culture backgrounds between the East and the West respectively expresses different meanings. To the West, bats are evil, ugly bloodsucker; but in southern China, bats are often carved on the doors of the old houses, because they are symbols of fortune, health, wealth and happiness. Westerners generally believe that the peacock always walks around with her nose in the air, swinging its crown repeatedly, and shows off its beautiful tail frequently. These are signs of pride and vanity. In contrast, Chinese think it symbolizes joy and luck that the peacock spreads its tail. So people often compare the peacock to beautiful persons or things.
权有势的家族沦落为破落家庭的过程。小说成功塑造了100多个经典人物,他们分属于清朝的不同阶层。《红楼梦》对中国的封建社会有深刻的描绘,如果要了解中国人复杂的价值观,最好先能读懂《红楼梦》。 毛主席评价道:“《红楼梦》不仅是爱情故事,也是历史故事,因为它描述了封建时代的兴败。”
A Dream of Red Mansions is attributed to Cao Xueqin and Gao-E. The author chose Jia Clan as the focus, depicting how an affluent and influential family with prestige lost its favor and descended to crash. In the novel, about 100 classic characters are successfully portrayed. These characters concern people of all ranks in the Qing Dynasty. A Dream of Red Mansions is a remarkable story about Chinese feudal society. To understand Chinese values in all its complexity, one can do no better than to read A Dream of Red Mansions. “It is not only a love story, but also a history story, because it describes the success and failure of the feudal period,” said Chairman Mao. 《红楼梦》 A Dream of Red Mansions 由…所著 be attributed to 家族 clan
富裕 affluent 权势 prestige
沦落为 descend to 塑造 portray 阶层 rank
封建社会 feudal society 复杂 complexity
In a sense, Chinese is a very old language, and its earliest characters date back nearly four thousand years ago. During their long history of development, Chinese characters have evolved into many different script forms, such as the Seal script, Clerical script, Regular script and Running script. Chinese calligraphers usually render their Chinese characters in ways that exaggerate the form to yield artistic beauty, such as those in stone inscriptions seen in tourist resorts. Chinese calligraphy is a subject of artistic study. As your interest in Chinese character system increases in the days to come, we will introduce in due time the different schools of Chinese calligraphy, and how to appreciate the artistic beauty of Chinese calligraphy. 从某种意义上说 in a sense 汉字 Chinese character 演化 evolve
书写形式 script form 篆书 Seal script 隶书 Clerical script 楷书 Regular script 行书 Running script 书法家 calligrapher 致使 render 取得 yield
旅游胜地 tourist resort 石刻碑文 stone inscription 适时 in due time 欣赏 appreciate 长久以来,人们一直对市区公园是否应该收门票的话题争论不休。一些人认为市区公园是用
The question whether urban parks should charge an entrance fee or not has been a source of controversy for a long time. On the one hand, some people claim that urban parks, supposed to be places where people have leisure and entertainment, are public establishments that have been created with taxpayers’ money and thus should be free. On the other hand, some others maintain that, considering China’s large population and lack of a sense of civic duty, once the parks are free of charge, they will not be properly managed and will inevitably be damaged. When considering opinions of both sides, I am inclined to the latter view. It’s certain that free entry to urban parks should proceed with economic development, as it needs financial support. Hence, the current economic level in China reflects that free entry to parks can only be realized step by step. 市区公园 urban park 门票 entrance fee 纳税人 taxpayer 休闲 leisure
娱乐 entertainment
公共场所 public establishment 考虑到 considering
公民责任意识淡薄 lack of a sense of civic duty 较认同 be inclined to
与…相适应 proceed with 财政的 financial 逐步 step by step
Advances in motive power were for a long while the main way in which progress and national competition in technology were measured. First at sea, then on the railways, then on the roads, in the air and finally in space, more and more rapid movement was seen as an carefree good and also, in some vague way, as a key to a fuller understanding of the world.