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MEMORY存储芯片MT47H128M16RT-25E IT中文规格书

2022-08-13 来源:六九路网
32Gb, 64Gb, 128Gb, 256Gb Asynchronous/Synchronous NAND

Identification Operations

Table 8: Parameter Page Data Structure (Continued)

Byte44–63DescriptionDevice model (20 ASCII characters)DeviceMT29F64G08AECABH1Values4Dh, 54h, 32h, 39h,46h, 36h, 34h, 47h,30h, 38h, 41h, 45h,43h, 41h, 42h, 48h,31h, 20h, 20h, 20h4Dh, 54h, 32h, 39h,46h, 31h, 32h, 38h,47h, 30h, 38h, 41h,4Bh, 43h, 41h, 42h,48h, 32h, 20h, 20h4Dh, 54h, 32h, 39h,46h, 31h, 32h, 38h,47h, 30h, 38h, 41h,4Dh, 43h, 41h, 42h,48h, 32h, 20h, 20h4Dh, 54h, 32h, 39h,46h, 32h, 35h, 36h,47h, 30h, 38h, 41h,55h, 43h, 41h, 42h,48h, 33h, 20h, 20h4Dh, 54h, 32h, 39h,46h, 36h, 34h, 47h,30h, 38h, 41h, 45h,43h, 41h, 42h, 4Ah,31h, 20h, 20h, 20h4Dh, 54h, 32h, 39h,46h, 31h, 32h, 38h,47h, 30h, 38h, 41h,4Dh, 43h, 41h, 42h,4Ah, 32h, 20h, 20h4Dh, 54h, 32h, 39h,46h, 32h, 35h, 36h,47h, 30h, 38h, 41h,55h, 43h, 41h, 42h,4Ah, 33h, 20h, 20h2Ch00h, 00hAll 00h00h, 20h, 00h, 00hC0h, 01hAll 00h80h, 00h, 00h, 00h00h, 10h, 00h, 00hMT29F128G08AKCABH2MT29F128G08AMCABH2MT29F256G08AUCABH344–63Device model (20 ASCII characters)MT29F64G08AECABJ1MT29F128G08AMCABJ2MT29F256G08AUCABJ36465–6667–7980–8384–8586–9192–9596–99JEDEC manufacturer IDDate codeReserved (0)Number of data bytes per pageNumber of spare bytes per pageReserved (0)Number of pages per blockNumber of blocks per LUN––––––––Memory organization block32Gb, 64Gb, 128Gb, 256Gb Asynchronous/Synchronous NAND

Reset Operations

Reset Operations


The RESET (FFh) command is used to put a target into a known condition and to abortcommand sequences in progress. This command is accepted by all die (LUNs), evenwhen they are busy.

When FFh is written to the command register, the target goes busy for tRST. DuringtRST, the selected target (CE#) discontinues all array operations on all die (LUNs). Allpending single- and multi-plane operations are cancelled. If this command is issuedwhile a PROGRAM or ERASE operation is occurring on one or more die (LUNs), the datamay be partially programmed or erased and is invalid. The command register is clearedand ready for the next command. The data register and cache register contents are inva-lid.

RESET must be issued as the first command to each target following power-up (see De-vice Initialization). Use of the READ STATUS ENHANCED (78h) command is prohibitedduring the power-on RESET. To determine when the target is ready, use READ STATUS(70h).

If the RESET (FFh) command is issued when the synchronous interface is enabled, thetarget's interface is changed to the asynchronous interface and the timing mode is setto 0. The RESET (FFh) command can be issued asynchronously when the synchronousinterface is active, meaning that CLK does not need to be continuously running whenCE# is transitioned LOW and FFh is latched on the rising edge of CLK. After this com-mand is latched, the host should not issue any commands during tITC. After tITC, andduring or after tRST, the host can poll each LUN's status register.

If the RESET (FFh) command is issued when the asynchronous interface is active, thetarget's asynchronous timing mode remains unchanged. During or after tRST, the hostcan poll each LUN's status register.

Figure 41: RESET (FFh) Operation

Cycle type


32Gb, 64Gb, 128Gb, 256Gb Asynchronous/Synchronous NAND

Identification Operations


The READ UNIQUE ID (EDh) command is used to read a unique identifier programmedinto the target. This command is accepted by the target only when all die (LUNs) on thetarget are idle.

Writing EDh to the command register puts the target in read unique ID mode. The tar-get stays in this mode until another valid command is issued.

When the EDh command is followed by a 00h address cycle, the target goes busy for tR.If the READ STATUS (70h) command is used to monitor for command completion, theREAD MODE (00h) command must be used to re-enable data output mode.

After tR completes, the host enables data output mode to read the unique ID. When theasynchronous interface is active, one data byte is output per RE# toggle. When the syn-chronous interface is active, two data bytes are output, one byte for each rising or fallingedge of DQS.

Sixteen copies of the unique ID data are stored in the device. Each copy is 32 bytes. Thefirst 16 bytes of a 32-byte copy are unique data, and the second 16 bytes are the comple-ment of the first 16 bytes. The host should XOR the first 16 bytes with the second 16bytes. If the result is 16 bytes of FFh, then that copy of the unique ID data is correct. Inthe event that a non-FFh result is returned, the host can repeat the XOR operation on asubsequent copy of the unique ID data. If desired, the CHANGE READ COLUMN (05h-E0h) command can be used to change the data output location. Use of the CHANGEREAD COLUMN ENHANCED (06h-E0h) command is prohibited.

Figure 47: READ UNIQUE ID (EDh) Operation

Cycle typeCommandAddressDOUTDOUTDOUTDOUTDOUTDOUTDQ[7:0]EDh00htWBtRtRRU00U10…U01U11…R/B#
