432AD St. Patrick’s arrival
700BC Celts (France, Belgium, Southern Germany) {600BC Gael 400BC Brython 150BC Belgae} 1066 10.14 Hasting Harold died
1066 William (first feudal king) Westminster Norman conquest 1086 Domesday book 1087 William died 1100 Red William died 1100-1135 Henry II’s reform
1170 Fighting with Ireland for more than 800 years 1170. Anglo-Saxon invaded Ireland
1215 the great charter (Magna Carta) 1215.6.19.John signed Windsor 1265 Simon de Montfort founder of parliament 1337-1453 hundred year’s war 1348-1349 Black Death
1381 Wat Tyler & jack straw Uprising 1420. Henry V admitted French throne 1455-1485 war of rose
1485 English renaissance north of Italy Da Vince early of 14th century 1492. Discovered America
1497. John Cabot discovered Canada
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1529-1543 the English reformation
1535 Jacques Cartier reached Montreal …fur business
1558-1603 Elizabeth age of 25Queen control power for 45 years
1583 England colonial expansion began with the colonization of Newfound land 1604.French settlement began in Nova Scotia 1605 Gunpowder plot
1607 first English colony in American—Jamestown in Virginia 1608 Samuel de Champlain established French-Canada in Quebec 1610.Henry Hudson named a bay with his name (Canada) 1611 James I --bible
1620 numbering201 sailed to Plymouth by mayflower 1636 Harvard College
1641.serious rebellion was started, &ended by Cromwell 1642 Abel Tasman discovered New Zealand
1642-1646(1st civil war) puritan revolution 1648-1649(2nd civil war) 1649.1.30 Charles I was condemned
1649-1660 commonwealth under Oliver Crommwell 1658 Crommwell died 1660 the restoration
1670.found English Hudson Bay Company 1688 Glorious Revolution
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late 18th agricultural changes 1740 the enclosure
1756-1763 the seven years war
1763 treaty of paris give Canada to England 1773 boston tea party
1774 Quebect of Act French rights were guaranteed
1774 first continental meeting American refused to buy goods of England 1775 Battle of Lexington (beginning of American Independence war)
1775 2nd continental Congress was hold in Philadelphia founded a continental navy & army
1776.7.4. the Congress adopted the declaration 1780-1830 the industrial revolution
1753 treaty of Paris (Britain recognized independence of the US) 1781 Article of Confederation 1787.6.16 great compromise
1787 300.000 aboriginal people in Australia
1787.12 The Constitution was first ratified by Delaware (U.S) 1788 the colonization of Australia by the British 1789 4. Washington was the President
1789 the bill of right ----the first tenth amendment (U.S) 1791 the Canada Act divided Canada Upper & Lower
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1791 bill of right 3-immigration wave:
1.1805-1845 2. 1860-1890 3.largest 1890-1914 4 people mobile
1. Between the end of the civil war & 1880: east coast to west 2. 1890-1920: rural to city
3. 1920-1960: black people moved out of the south to other areas
4. the end of the 1960s till now: northeast ¢ral north to west & south , to the sunbelt
1799-1800. Combination Act forbid formation of Union 1812 the last war between Britain & US 1830 Britain was the workshop of the world 1836-1848 chartist movement
1836 skilled worker & small shopkeeper formed London trade Union 1838 people’s charter 1840 Opium War
1840. treaty of waitangi Hobson signed it with Maori 1840.the Act of Union UPPER & LOWER merged one STATE 1845 great Irish Famine immigration peak of US 1846-1848 the war between US & Mexico 1848.Canada became self-government
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1850 goldrush of Australia 1850 Great compromise
1851. Victoria became colony (Australia)
1852.Newzealand was granted internal self-government
1860. European settlers & Maori inhabitants led to fighting about land dispute 1861.4.12—1865.4.9. civil war (U.S)
1862. half of the miners in California were Chinese laborers 1863 Linclon Emancipation Proclamation
1863.11. the turning point of American civil war :Gettysburg in Pennsylvania 1865.4.14 Lincoln was shot
1865 13th amendment finished slave system 1865.established Wellington 1866 kkk (1915 reactivated)
1866-1896 conservative party control power (Canada)
1867 British north America act. established Canada as a dominion 1869.the first prime minister of Canada: John Macdonald 1870.gold boom ended Dunedin was the financial center 1871.British Columbia joined federation 1873. Prince Edward entered federation
1882.the first refrigerated ship carried food from New Zealand to England 1882.5.the Chinese Exclusion Act
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1885-1903 serious droughts the sheep numbers were reduced by half & cattle numbers by 40%(Australian)
1893 first women voting country in New Zealand
1896-1911 Wilfrid Laurier, an eminent French Canadian took over & ruled country, he founded the Canada Navy
1896-1914 Canada have hydroelectric & paper mill 1901 commonwealth of Australia came into being 1906 Hepburn Act regulated railway price 1914-1918 WWI
1917.4.6 declared war to Germany
1919.1.18 PARIS conference divided Germany Austro-Hungary& the Ottoman Empire 1919.11.7&1920.1.2 Red Scare 1929 great depression
1929.10.24. Black Thursday stock market bankrupt
1931.the statute of Westminster Canada were formally declared to be partner nations with Britain &bound together only by their loyalty to a common crown. since then Canada became a member of the commonwealth of nations 1931.Commonwealth 1939-1945 WWII 1941 the pearl Harbor
1943.11.Teheran attacked south of France
1945.2. Yalta Stalin promised that declared war to Japan after defeated Germany formed UN
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1946-1964 baby boom
1947 offer western European countries( Marshall plan) US support any country which was fighting against communism(Truman Doctrine) 1947-1957 McCarthyism
1949.Truman put forward containment to SOVIET 1949.Ireland declared itself a republic
1949. Newfound land became 10th province of Canada 1950-1975 Vietnam War
1954.US signed mutural defence treaty with Chaing kaishek 1958-1968 2nd serious drought in Australia
1964. Civil right act It forbid discrimination ,&employment on the basis of rule ,color,religion,sex ornational origin
1965. Voting right act guarantee the black & others the right to vote 1966.Ireland established free trade area with UN 1972. Nixon visit China
1972.THE Accident compensation Act unique in the world, provides insurance against injury by accident at any time (New Zealand) 1972.8. Nixon resigned
1973.1.27.the Paris agreement was signed by the US & North Vietnam 1973.joined EC
1974.the first bilingual school was established 1975.Maori land march to parliament
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1979.1.China& US established relationship 1979.6.22. Established relationship with China
1983.THE official Information Act gives the public more access the government files
1987.6.6.Meech Lake Accord ------1990.6. it was killed 1988.more than 2000.000 people in 21 cities (US)
1901.1.1.The British Parliament enacted Australia the commonwealth of Australia constitution Act 1991.50member countries
1994.Land in the center of Wanganui was occupied by Maori protesters (New Zealand)