LT5——landsat5号卫星; 131——条带号; 035——行编号; 2009——获取日期; 209——儒略日; IKR——接站代码; 00——产品级别; 2、数据命名规则:
L5131035_03520090728_B10 LLfppprrr_rrrYYYYMMDD_AAA
L5——landsat5卫星; 131——产品起条带号;
035_035——产品起始、截止行号; 20090728——日期; B10——第一波段;
1、Landsat 7影像命名规则:
The file naming convention for Landsat 7 GeoTIFF is as follows: L7fppprrr_rrrYYYYMMDD_AAA.TIF where: L7 = Landsat-7 mission f = ETM+ data format (1 or 2) ppp = starting path of the product
rrr_rrr = starting and ending rows of the product YYYYMMDD = acquisition date of the image AAA = file type: B10 = band 1 B20 = band 2 B30 = band 3 B40 = band 4 B50 = band 5
B61 = band 6L (low gain) B62 = band 6H (high gain)
B70 = band 7 B80 = band 8
MTL = Level-1 metadata TIF = GeoTIFF file extension 2、其他Landsat影像命名规则:
The file naming convention for other Landsat GeoTIFF is as follows: LTNppprrrOOYYDOY10_AA.TIF where: LT = Landsat Thematic Mapper N = satellite number.
This should be validated against the satellite field if used exclusively ppp = starting path of the product rrr = starting row of the product OO = WRS row offset (set to 00)
YY = last two digits of the year of acquisition DOY = Julian date of acquisition 1 = instrument mode
0 = instrument multiplexor (MUX) AA = file type: B1 = band 1 B2 = band 2 B3 = band 3 B4 = band 4 B5 = band 5 B6 = band 6 B7 = band 7 TIF = GeoTIFF file extension