

2020-03-25 来源:六九路网






哈佛第一周的所有这些经历将成为我毕生的珍贵记忆。然而,哈佛这一周给予我的最宝贵 的资产,却是我遇到的其他同学。我在这儿遇到的每一个人都是那么朴实。每当我看到有人在 嘉佩乐音乐会上演唱动人的歌曲,有人在才艺秀上表演精彩的小提琴独奏,有人在我去听的一 堂课上阐述深刻的见解,我都敬佩万分!能够欣赏身边这么多有天赋的同学并能与他们相伴, 这正是我在哈佛第一周体验到的最宝贵的经历。一周已经过去,四年大学生活就在前头——真 是令人急不可耐!

Ex. 7 Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Would you like to share your experience with the rest of the group? 2. If your father were still alive, he would be very proud of you. 3. She turned up the driveway, only to find her way blocked.

4. He went away without telling anyone, because he didn’t want to get involved in that matter.

5. Ultimately, the success of the product depends on good marketing.

Ex. 8 Read and compare the English sentences

1. He gazed out the window at this boundless sea and thought to himself “What beautiful scenery it is!”

2. During this first year in the factory, it’s a relief to have these colleagues I could call friends and that could help me through this adjustment process which was quite difficult at times.

3. Meetings met at their regular times, teachers were allowed to attend as many as they were willing to.

4. The tall building is more like a shopping mall than a theater.

5. The college experiences will make great life-time memories but the best assets the college has offered me thus far have been the outstanding professors I’ve met.





还有不到两周就要离校了,每每想到就要毕业,我就打心眼儿里感到不安。因为我从记事起就一直是名学生。我觉得自己是在回避毕业。每当别人问起我大学毕业后打算做什么时,我就想大声尖叫,我不知道以后想做些什么。我甚至不敢想象早上醒来没有课上会是什么样的情形。 不久前,一次面试时,有人问我:“这是不是你想干一辈子的工作?”我觉得这个问题很可笑,还差点儿笑出声来,不过我还是说了实话——我不知道将来会是什么样子,过去的四年中,我已多次改变了想法,一辈子就干一行的想法简直就是一种折磨。

午夜漫步于校园,我意识到自己将会多么怀念大学生活。每一个小小的事物都显得分外美丽,每一个小小的事物都让我意识到大学生活是多么精彩,多么独特。当依依不舍地关上我的大学生活之门时,我将永远珍藏这些日子。 Ex. 13 Fill the blanks with the words given below.

amused convince permanent panicking envy

failures reality recapture enormous schedule

Ex. 14 Complete the following sentences with phrases or expressions from the passage.

looked back At the idea of feel like come to change their minds Ex. 15 Translate the following sentences into English. 1. I found myself having great interest in spoken English.

2. Driving on the expressway, I realized that enormous changes had taken place in China’s highway system in recent years.

3. I can hardly believe that he has learned how to work a computer so quickly / in such a short time.

4. Three years have passed by and the final moment has come. / After three years, the time has come. In less than two weeks, I will return home / go back to my country. 5. I know a lot of people who can’t wait to go abroad, but I prefer to stay with my family in my own country.

Ex. 16 Read the following paragraph and find its main idea.

Freshmen their fear major Associate’s Bachelor’s Master’s

Writing and Produce

Ex. 18 Write full sentences with the following words or phrases given below. 1. Take this medicine, or you will not recover. 2. He turned off the light and locked the door. 3. He was getting tired, so he stopped working.

4. It was almost eight o’clock when I woke up in the morning. 5. After I rushed out the bedroom, I took a look at my watch again. 6. We had scarcely reached the school before it began to rain.

7. While I was watching TV, my mother was cooking in the kitchen.

8. I couldn’t help laughing to myself because I had mistaken seven for eight. 9. I woke up to find I was late, so I jumped out of bed quickly and ran to school. 10. Tom is a hard working young man, but he does not always make rapid progress. Ex. 19 Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.

1. It is not a good idea to go shopping on Sunday, for the shops are very crowded. 2. As a college student, you shouldn’t depend too much on your parents.

3. It rained a lot this summer, so we didn’t have to water the flowers in the garden. 4. When she read the funny stories she laughed aloud in her bedroom.

5. The student didn’t quite understand the teacher’s point; therefore, he asked him to explain it.

6. The girl was a little nervous in class, so (finally) the teacher asked her to sit down. 7. Although he was very tired, he tried to finish his work on time. 8. As you know, all the students are eager to learn English well.

9. I’d like to know when the American teacher will come to join in our English party. 10. He was in a hurry to leave when the telephone rang.

Ex. 20 Most of the sentences in the following paragraph are simple ones and you may find it boring to read them. Now try to combine some of the sentences

into compound or complex sentences where possible or necessary.

I still remember the first day when I came to college. It was a sunny day and everything seemed fresh to me. I was very excited like other freshmen, because my dream of becoming a college student had come true. This was really a turning point in my life. Looking at the modern classroom buildings and the large library, I felt proud of my college. I knew that it would be a good opportunity for me to obtain a great deal of knowledge useful for my future career and the society, but studying at college was also a great challenge to me, for I had to learn how to overcome the difficulties in my study and life. Anyway, I was determined to study hard in order to live up to the expectations of my parents and my friends. I was sure that I could face the challenge, make the best of the opportunity and prove myself a worthy college student.

Ex. 21 Design a business card for Mr. Dai, the Personnel Manager, according to the following ad.

Ex. 22 The following is a cover letter for applying for a job. Please design a name card for the applicant.
