Carpenter Sweden AB Attn.: Joannis Brandt Box 1007
SE-573 Tranås
Project no. Page Date Initials
A1217607/247872-15 1 of 2
7 March 2008 bvi/ancj/ac
Test Report
Sampling: Method:
Period: Results:
Sample of polyurethane foam, received as specimens cut to the required dimensions.
Designated: CMHD “fast”
The test material was submitted by the assignor and received at the Danish Technological Institute 19 February 2008.
BS 5852:Part 2:1982 using the flame retardant polyester fabric and crib
ignition source 5 as specified in The Furniture and Furnishings (Fire)(Safety) Regulations 1988, Schedule 1, Part I (Great Britain)
The testing was completed 6 March 2008.
The polyurethane foam under test meets
the requirements specified in Part I of Schedule 1 to Furniture and Furnishings (Fire)(Safety) Regulations 1988.
Details of the test are given on page 2 of this report.
The test has been performed according to the rear side conditions, which are according to the guidelines laid down by DANAK (The Danish Accreditation). The testing is only valid for the tested specimen. The test report may only be extracted, if the laboratory has approved the extract.
7 March 2008, Danish Technological Institute, Textile
Anna-Carin Jonsson
Birgitte Vilborg
TEST Reg. no. 25
Results, continued Project no. Page
A1217607/247872-15 2 of 2
The following test results relate only to the ignitability of the combination of
materials under the particular conditions of test; they are not intended as a means of assessing the full potential fire hazard of the materials in use.
Two tests were carried out.
The flaming ceased within:
Test 1: 4 minutes Test 2: 3½ minutes after ignition of the crib
All smouldering ceased within: Test 1: 6½ minutes Test 2: 9½ minutes after ignition of the crib.
The mass loss during testing was: Test 1: 21 g Test 2: 24 g
1. All flaming to cease within 10 minutes after ignition of the crib. 2. All smouldering to cease within 60 minutes after ignition of the crib. 3. Mass loss during testing less than 60 g.
The general conditions pertaining to assignments accepted by Danish Technological Institute shall apply in full to the technical testing and calibration at Danish Technological Institute and to the completion of test reports and calibration certificates within the relevant field.
Danish Accreditation (DANAK)
DANAK was established in 1991 in
pursuance of the Danish Act No. 394 of 13 June 1990 on the promotion of Trade and Industry. The requirements to be met by accre-dited laboratories are laid down in the “Danish Agency for Trade and Indu-stry’s (\"Erhvervsfremme Styrelsens\") Statutory Order on accreditation of laboratories to perform testing etc. and GLP inspection. The statutory order refers to other documents, where the criteria for accreditation are specified further.
The standards DS/EN ISO/IEC 17025 “General requirements for the compe-tence of testing and calibration laborato-ries” and DS/EN 45002 “General criteria for the assessment of testing laboratories” describe fundamental criteria for accreditation. DANAK uses guidance documents to clarify the requirements in the standards, where this is considered to be necessary. These will mainly be drawn up by the “European co-operation of Accreditation (EA)” or the “International Laboratory Accreditation Co-operation (ILAC)” with the purpose of obtaining uniform criteria for accreditation. In addition, DANAK draws up Technical Regulations with specific requirements for accreditation that are not contained in the standards.
In order for a laboratory to be accredited
it is, among other things, required:
- that the laboratory and its personnel are not subject to any commercial, financial or other pressures, which might influence their technical
- that the laboratory operates a docu- mented quality system - that the laboratory has at its disposal all items of equipment, facilities and premises required for correct per formance of the service that it is ac- credited to perform - that the laboratory management and
personnel have technical compe- tence and practical experience in performing the service that they are accredited to perform - that the laboratory has procedures for traceability and uncertainty calcula- tions
- that accredited testing or calibration is performed in accordance with fully validated and documented methods
- that the laboratory keeps records, which contain sufficient information to permit repetition of the accredited test or calibration
- that the laboratory is subject to sur- veillance by DANAK on a regular basis
- that the laboratory shall take out an insurance, which covers liability in connection with the performance of accredited services
Reports carrying DANAK‘s logo are used, when reporting accredited ser-vices and show that these have been performed in accordance with the rules for accreditation.
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