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最新北师大版英语九年级unit 9 save the planet lesson 27 tree heroes 教案.docx

2024-03-16 来源:六九路网
课题名称:Unit 9 Lesson 27Tree Heroes 教师姓名:张春燕 学校:延庆区第四中学 教师年龄:47 教龄:26 职称:中学高级 教学目标 在本节课结束后,学生能够: 1.从分析篇章结构入手总结归纳文章的主旨大意; 2.获取有关邹兰英和魏桂英的植树造林事迹的细节信息; 3.准确辨别与区分与辨别facts 和 opinions; 4.模拟在国际会议上作中国在植树造林方面所做的事情的报告; 5.增强学生保护环境的意识。 教学重、难点 教学重点:1.从分析篇章结构入手总结归纳文章的主旨大意; 2.获取有关邹兰英和魏桂英的植树造林事迹的细节信息; 3.准确辨别与区分与辨别facts 和 opinions; 教学难点:1. 总结归纳文章主旨大意; 2. 模拟在国际会议上作中国在植树造林方面所做的事情的报告。 德育目标渗透 在环保问题日益严峻的今天,每位同学都能向身边的榜样学习,从我做起,从身边的小事做起,为保护环境做出应有的贡献。 教材分析 本课是北师大版《初中英语》九年级教材第9单元第27课,该单元的话题为保护星球。本文为一篇人物介绍类文章,一共由5段构成:第1段为引入段,列举了乱砍乱伐给人类带来的巨大影响;第二段介绍了中国为什么需要多植树;第3段和第4段主要介绍了两位植树英雄:江西省的邹连英和北京市的魏桂英,这两段为重难点段落,同时是挖掘深层次问题的切入点;第5段介绍了作者的写作意图—号召我们向榜样学习,为保护环境做出应有的贡献。阅读重点定位在第3、4段,了解两位植树英雄为所做的种种努力与牺牲,支撑起了本文所传达的情感主线,作者用了大量的事实和数字来感染学生、打动学生,帮助学生认识英雄,敬佩英雄,引导学生向英雄学习,同时告诉学生列数字、举实例在表达个人观点时的作用。 本课的教学设计分为整体理解、细节理解、内化语言、策略指导、有声阅读、语言输出六个环节,在整体理解环节,引导学生通过skimming 的阅读策略,从分析篇章结构入手确定文章的主旨大意;细节理解环节,因为文章很长,采用分段落理解,获取、处理和整合具体信息的办法,第一和第二段的阅读任务为阅读回答问题,让学生清楚乱砍乱伐给人类生活带来的巨大影响,知晓中国为什么需要多植树,第三和第四段是全文的重点和高潮,采用补全短文的方式处理信息,学生需要填写的信息大部分为时间、地点、数字等事实信息,这一环节与教材练习4进行有机整合,其目的是渗透本课的教学重点,即事实与观点的区分这一阅读策略,同时为下一步的语言输出做铺垫,在学生阅读理解这两段之后,安排一个小输出,其目的是内化语言,当学生在表达自己的观点时会有意或无意地使用时间、地点、数给据等信息,让学生在运用语言的时候感受事实信息在表达个人观点中的作用;第五段的阅读任务是理解作者的写作意图,激励学生向榜样学习,从我做起、从小事做起保护环境。完成阅读任务后进一步追问,实现问题导读,问题促思,并拉近学生与文本的距离,产生共鸣,进一步达到情感的升华。之后是第三遍阅读,其目的是指导学生阅读策略----区分与辨别facts与opinions,即教材的练习3,就水到渠成、自然而然了。阅读理解完成之后是模仿录音朗读课文;然后在回顾两位植树英雄事迹的基础上开展词汇教学,培养学生在语境中理解词汇的技能,通过匹配练习,达成词汇运用的目的,为完成输出任务储备语言素材,在读前、读中理解与完成报告相关的词汇,最后结合课文的信息和语言进行基于文本的输出性活动,模拟在国际会议上作中国在植树造林方面所做的事情的报告,联系学生实际,跳出文本,在语境中进一步提升语言,积极促进学生综合素质发展,尽可能在任务中培养学生提问的思维能力。 教学过程 教学环节 Step 1 Warming- up 教师活动 1.Show some 学生活动 1. Think about the 设计意图 引出话题,调动学生关于植树造林的背景知识。 pictures of smog, reasons of air tell students the pollution. Step 2 Reading comprehension First-reading Second- reading reasons 2.Ask two questions: 2.Answer the questions: 1)Trees are used for 1) What are trees making desks, paper, used for? 2) Why is it important to protect trees? pencils, and so on. 2)Because trees give us : oxygen and food , lots of products(paper, wood... a home for wildlife , shelter shade and 引导学生关注文章的结构,关注文章的首、尾段及每个自然段的首、尾句,指导学生从分析文章的结构入手整体把握文章的主旨大Ask the students beauty… to skim the text to Task1 determine the main 1.Skim the text to idea. 1. Ask the determine the main idea 意的阅读习惯 2.Sum up the ways to determine the main idea 1) The title of the passage 2)the beginning of the passage 3)the ending of the passage 分段落获取、处理、整合具体信息。 students to read 4) the first or the last paragraph1 and paragraph2 to sentence of each paragraph answer the following questions. 1)What problems does it cause after many forests have been cut down? Task2 1. Readparagraph1 and paragraph2 to answer the following questions. 1)What problems does it cause after many forests have been cut down? 2 )What do we need to do 帮助学生认识身边的植树英雄,了解他们为植树造林所做出的努力与付出,打动学生,引导学生敬佩英雄,向他们学习,同时让学生感受到数字在表达观点时的巨大作用。 理解作者的观点和意图 第一次输出 引导学生尝试运用数字、事例等大量的事实表达自己的2 )What do we need to do to solve the problems? 2.Ask the students to read paragraph 3 and paragraph 4 to complete the passages (见附件) 3.Ask the students to speak out what the numbers in the text refer to 4.Ask the students to read paragraph5 and answer the question to solve the problems? Task3 Scan the third and the fourth paragraphs to complete the passages Task4 Read the text again and tell their partner about the facts related these numbers 50 83 8,000,000 12,000,000 64 20 4 Task5 Read the paragraph 5 and Third- reading Step3 answer the question What does the writer 观点。 拓展阅读,作为延庆人,让学生更多的了解我们家乡的植树英雄 通过阅读助手,帮助学生快速区分与辨别facts and opinions 深层阅读,获取文章的细节信息 模仿地道的语音语调,朗读内化课文 深层次反馈,引导学生深入思考,进一步关注语言,内化课文,通过分享交流让学生了解植树英雄为环境保护所做的种种努力,5.Ask the students want to tell us? to express their Task6 opinions about the Answer the question two planting heroes 6. Present some pictures to the Do you agree that Zou Lianying and Wei Guiying are heroes? Why? Learn more about these students and ask two planting heroes them to know more about the heroes Help the students Read the Reading Help to identify and do Ex3 on P107 content from the Post-reading text as fact or Read aloud Step4 Speaking opinion Help the students to scan the text to get specific details Read the text aloud Play the tape and ask the students to read with the Step 5 Homework tape Group Work Make a presentation 激励学生向身边的榜样学习,从我做起,身边小事做起,为环保做贡献。 Organize a group about tree planting in work 1.Read aloud the text 2.Tell a story about a planting hero to your partner 板书设计 Unit 9 lesson 27 Zou Lianying: China. Imagine that you will present it at an international meeting. Main idea Title The beginning or the ending of the passage 83 20 64 4 8,000,000, 12,000,000 Wei Guiying: The first or the last sentence of each 20 20 millions of paragraph Facts: figures, dates or places Opinions: adj.(boring, interesting…) Opinion verbs(think, believe…) Modals(might, may) 附件1

In Jiangxi Province, _ _______ ZouLianying has planted trees for almost______ years. At the age of _______, she ________ her cows and pigs and______money to _____________ Her family’s forest farm has trees covering about ________ with more than____________ trees. The trees are worth ____________RMB. She believes the forest will be ___________ to future generations.

Near Beijing, __________ and a team of helpers have planted ____________ trees. They have been working at this for more than______ years. _______ of hills have turned green. Wei Guiying _________ money to pay for seedlings. She says she’s not a ___________ but she has ________________________.
