alive的意思是:adj.活着的;有活力的;注意到的;热闹的。alive的例句是用作形容词(adj.)She clung to the hope that her son was still alive.她始终抱着儿子还活着的希望。alive的读音是英[ə'laɪv];美[ə'laɪv]。
adj.(形容词)- 有生气的,有活力的
- 敏感的,注意到的
- 热闹的
- 活着的,在世的
- 充满的
- 通着电流的
- 活跃的,活泼的,情绪饱满的,激动兴奋的
- 继续存在的
- 意识到的,认识到的
adj.(形容词)- 活着,没死 living, not dead
- [P]有活力,活泼 lively, active
- [P]存在着,继续不断 in existence, continuing
1. 活着的:一个线程可能因为不同的原因停止(cease)并进入就绪状态.Thread的API文档中的说明是该方法恢复被挂起的(suspended)线程.该方法首先调用该线程的无参的checkAccess() 方法,这可能在当前线程上抛出SecurityException 异常,如果该线程是活着的(alive)但是被挂起(suspend),
2. 活着:杰出的历史学家杜兰(Will Durant)曾经写过数册具决定性的世界历史综览,对于十字架战胜罗马帝国的事实,他发表了他的意见:贝尔(Ted Baehr)和哈维博士(Bonnie Harvey)为了贝尔所执导的电影<>(Alive),写了一篇有关此电影的评论,
3. alive的反义词
3. 活的:被占据的单元称为活的(alive),未占据的单元称为死的(dead). 哪一个单元是活的要根据其周围活的邻居单元(neighbor)的数目而一代代(generation)地发生变化,规则如下:这似乎是个解决的办法:随时缩少数组的规模.
4. 天劫余生:好莱坞8大灾难片 <>(alive) 年份:1993 最惊吓场面:为求生存,人吃人肉. 卖点:为求生存,只有吃人裹腹,玻璃割人肉的画面,实在使人毛骨悚然. 这部电影由真人真事改编,讲述一架满载乌拉圭球员的航机,
She clung to the hope that her son was still alive.
Are your grandparents still alive?
Although he is eighty, he is still very much alive.
He is fully alive to the possible dangers.
The city was all alive when he arrived.
用作定语n. +~- He was the only one alive then.
他是当时唯一活下来的人。 - Thousands of Chinese miners, dead or alive , were thrown into the death pit by the Japanese fascists.
数千名中国矿工,不管死的活的,统统被日本法西斯扔进万人坑里去了。 - Who is the greatest man alive?
用作表语S+be+~- The old man is still alive.
那老人还活着。 - Many great writers were not appreciated fully while they were alive.
许多伟大的作家在世的时候并没有得到人们充分的赏识。 - He accounted himself lucky to be alive.
他认为自己能活着就是幸运。 - You shall never want for money while I am alive.
只要我活着,你不会缺钱花。 - The elephant was still breathing, so we knew it was still alive.
那头大象仍在呼吸,所以我们知道它仍然活着。 - What a miracle!The rescue-party dug out from underneath the debris an infant who was intact and still alive!
真是个奇迹!救援队从废墟中挖出一个婴儿,他竟然还活着,而且毫发无伤。 - You can count up the great poets still alive , on the fingers of one hand.
在世的大诗人屈指可数。 - The plant is alive after all! There are new leaves growing out.
这棵植物终归没死!它又长出了新叶。 - Everyone looks alive.
个个生气勃勃。 - You seem very much alive today.
S+be+~+ prep. -phrase- He is alive in every nerve.
他浑身是劲。 - He is alive to the feelings of humour.
他很有幽默感。 - Are you alive to what is going on?
你意识到在发生什么事情吗? - The streets are alive with people.
街上到处是人。 - He is alive with fervor.
他热情洋溢。 - Her face was alive with laughter.
她满面笑容。 - The whole square was alive with singing and rejoicing.
用作宾语补足语S+V+O+~- Hunters could bring them back alive.
猎人们能够把他们活着带回来。 - They captured the enemy officer alive.
他们活捉了敌人的军官。 - The policeman has caught the murderer alive .
警察已将凶手生擒。 - I caught a bird alive in the tree.
我在树上活捉了一只鸟。 - The food he got could barely keep him alive .
他弄到的食物勉强使他活下来。 - The money will suffice to keep her alive.
这些钱足以维持她的生活。 - I kept my mental and critical faculties alive .
我保持着敏锐的心智能力和评判能力。 - The news of victory kept us alive in excitement.
胜利的消息使我们兴奋。 - Newspaper reports kept the story alive.
- alive and kicking
生气勃勃,精神饱满; 活泼,活跃 still living; in good health and active
- alive to
对…注意到〔敏感〕aware of or responsive to sth
- alive with
充满 full of
- come alive
栩栩如生 be vivid; be lively
- look alive
赶快,快些 hurry up; be brisk
adj.(形容词)一位敌军士兵被活捉。误 An enemy soldier was caught living.
正 An enemy soldier was caught alive.
析 “活捉”应译成catch alive,不可用living。
对我们来说,活人比死人更重要。误 The alive are more important to us than the dead.
正 The living are more important to us than the dead.
析 表示“活着的人”须用the living,不可说the alive。
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