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in disguise造句

2022-05-03 来源:六九路网

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”

下面为您提供关于【in disguise造句】内容,供您参考。

1、How? Here are three problems that all seem different. Surprisingly, all are the same problem, in disguise.(这里有三个看似都不一样的问题,奇怪的是,它们是由同一个问题演化出来的,我来告诉您这是为什么。)

2、odysseus and diomedes went into the city in disguise and stole it out of the temple of the city.(于是,奥德修斯就和狄俄墨得斯伪装入城,偷偷地将神像盗了出来。)

3、A while loop will rarely include the number of iterations — unless it is a for loop in disguise.(while循环很少包含迭代次数——除非它是一个伪装的for循环。)

4、The king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat, 'I will enter the battle in disguise, but you wear your royal robes.(以色列王对约沙法说,我要改装上阵,你可以仍穿王服。)

5、The man also admitted that the loss of the cow was indeed a blessing in disguise!(男人承认,丢失那头奶牛是这个家天大的幸事啊!)

6、People tend not to realize that the first question you should always ask yourself, is this really just something that's well-known in disguise?(人们往往没有意识到,你应该经常问自己的第一个问题是,这真的只是众所周知的伪装吗?)

7、Some cried, "Tis another prince in disguise!"(有些人喊道:“又是一个乔装的王子!”)

8、A challenge is simply an opportunity in disguise.(一次挑战也就是一个被伪装的机会。)

9、The pounding delivered by America's voters to the Democrats is a blessing in disguise for Barack Obama.(美国选民给奥巴马的打击,也是一次“塞翁失马”的遭遇。)

10、Constraints are often advantages in disguise.(约束通常是一种隐蔽的优势。)

11、You can turn unemployment into a blessing in disguise - if you have the right mindset.(如果你有一个良好的心态,你可以把失业转换成一种经过伪装的好事。)

12、It's almost never a good idea to please people who are News of the World journalists in disguise.(但取悦那些伪装成《世界新闻报》记者的人绝不是好主意。)

13、Being cut loose was a blessing in disguise.(被开除对我来说是因祸得福。)

14、As one, the away crowd started chanting "Are you Paul Calf in disguise?"(作为一名球迷,他远离人群就开始高喊:“你是乔装打扮的PaulCalf吗?”)

15、IllustrationPROFESSOR MARVEL: Let's see — you're — you're traveling in disguise.(illustrationMARVEL教授:让我们看看您是在乔装旅行中。)

16、The feeling at Fiat’s headquarters in Turin now is that this was a blessing in disguise.(都灵总部认为这对菲亚特其实是因祸得福。)

17、Many other strange creatures turn out to be familiar faces in disguise.(在布尔吉斯叶岩中其它的怪异生物也被证实是乔装打扮过的熟面孔。)

18、"What seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in disguise." ~ Oscar Wilde ~.(在我们看来,痛苦的审判往往是伪装的祝福~OscarWilde~。)

19、The Nian saw the wisdom in this, and the old man, who was actually a god in disguise, took the beast away.(原来老人是神仙下凡,他带走了年兽。)

20、A blessing in disguise, then?(因祸得福,然后呢?)

21、For the new Bond is now said to be a European federalist in disguise.(因为现在人们说这位新“邦德”是乔装了的欧洲联邦化的支持者。)

22、A vote for the Liberal Democrats is just a Labour vote in disguise.(投自由民主党的票不过是改头换面投工党的票。)

23、Mr Bookstaber's demon may yet turn out to be an angel in disguise.(布克斯·多布的魔鬼可能将证明是一个伪装中的天使。)

24、What seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in disguise(看似痛苦的试炼的往往是伪装的祝福。)

25、Believe it or not, getting fired can be a blessing in disguise.(不管你相信不相信,被解雇也可以解释为幸运。)

26、You'll have to travel in disguise.(你将不得不乔装出行。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


