

2022-05-04 来源:六九路网

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、Indeed, once this detritus of our ignorant past has been cleared away, we might see more clearly the nature of good, and pursue it aright at last.(的确,一旦当我们这些琐碎的无知正为过去,我们将看到更加清晰的自然地面目,并且永远追随正确的步伐。)

2、This detritus of the digital age spells profit for Trace Feinstein, who founded e-Scrap Destruction two years ago.(但这些数码时代的碎屑却对两年前创办这个场的老板崔西·费恩·斯坦有着非凡利益。)

3、Thus, during your fertile years, period-related detritus should make up about 0.5 percent of your personal landfill load.(所以,在你的可生育时期,这些由月事引起的垃圾只占你个人垃圾的0.5%。)

4、the tidal river would push detritus into the most-used spots.(潮水把碎石冲击到常用的河段。)

5、It should be kept away from dust and dirt, water drops, metal detritus and other things.(应避免尘垢、水滴、金属碎屑或其他杂物侵入。)

6、I had just finished a tough trial and was in my Chambers surrounded by judicial detritus: legal briefs, scores of exhibits.(我刚完成一个棘手的案子,现在正在会议厅里被一堆司法碎屑包围着:大量的法律委托辩护和物证。)

7、Whatever the responsibility, individual or corporate, the detritus is plain to see.(不管是谁的责任,个人还是企业,惨淡的结果是显而易见的。)

8、Unhelpful detritus often clutters search results, thanks to online publishers who have learned how to game the system.(由于在线广告发布商的缘故(这些人已经学会如何将网络系统玩弄于股掌之间),毫无用处的零碎信息时常与搜索结果混杂在一起。)

9、Streets are filled with rotting fruit, faeces and other disease-spreading detritus.(街道上布满腐烂的水果,粪便和疾病撒布的风化物。)

10、In this case, the underscore in line 105 was just some easy-to-fix detritus from 10-year-old code.(在这个例子中,105行的下划线只是一个有10年之久的老代码中一些容易修正的小毛病。)

11、But I'm the purist type who hates even the thought of leaving any detritus around and insists upon a clean install to a pure, unsullied partition.(但是我是个纯化论者,不希望有任何碎片,坚持将系统安装到一个纯净的,没有任何污点的分区。)

12、It has no sneezing pandas, tedious home-made tirades or any of the other detritus with which YouTube is filled.(Hulu网站没有“喷嚏熊猫”、乏味的自制长篇批评演说和其他杂七杂八的东西,而这些在YouTube上到处都是。)

13、Bring forward our own resolvent methods of the isolation of asphalt detritus composite through the construction of pavement.(对面层施工中沥青碎石混合料离析进行了研究,提出了自己的解决方法。)

14、detritus from dead plants and animals that settled to the bottom was buried by sediment and broke down into methane after million of years.(死去的动植物的残骸沉落海底,被沉积物掩埋,并在数百万年后分解成甲烷。)

15、Such is the extent of the detritus that the first accidental collision between two satellites has already taken place.(既然宇宙垃圾都已经到达如此程度了,那么,首次的卫星相撞事故肯定早已发生。)

16、In the distance, the detritus of a century of oil exploration lines the horizon.(在远方地平线上,矗立着一个世纪以来开采石油产生的碎石堆。)

17、If the roads were going to be blocked with various pieces of burning detritus, as they had the day before, I wanted to know first.(我想先了解一下,道路是不是还像前几天前那样被许多燃烧物的碎片堵塞。)

18、During all these tens and hundreds of millions of years, more stars are being born from the detritus of the first stars.(在接下来的以千百万年计的漫长时光里,更多的星星从最初的恒星的碎片中产生。)

19、The history of physics is littered with the detritus of once-sacred assumptions.(曾经神圣的假设被一个个打破,物理学的历史就是这样一路落满了碎片。)

20、Old leaves, fallen tree branches, and other detritus left over from the winter littered the front yard.(前院里散落着枯叶、树枝和一些瓦砾,从去年冬天就是这个样子了。)

21、These unassignable animals include a large swimming predator called Anomalocaris and a soft-bodied animal called Wiwaxia, which ate detritus or algae.(这些无法归类的动物包括被称为奇虾的会游泳的大型食肉动物,以及叫做威瓦亚虫的软体动物,它们以岩屑和藻类为食。)

22、The researchers detected the bacterial protein in the plant detritus that was washed off the corn fields into streams up to 500 metres away.(研究人员从玉米地冲入500米之外溪流中的庄稼碎屑中发现了这种细菌蛋白。)

23、There is no guano comparable in fertility with the detritus of a capital.(任何鸟粪都没有首都的垃圾肥效高。)

24、Indeed, with the deaths of so many other animals and with much dead plant material, the food chain based on detritus would have been well-supplied.(事实上,由于许多其他动物的死亡以及植物的大量枯萎,基于腐殖质的食物链本会得到很好的供应。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


