发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-21 20:15
热心网友 时间:2023-06-30 06:59
Marshall Bruce Mathers III was born on the 17th October 1972, Kansas City, Missouri, USA. Son of a fifteen-year-old mother at the time of his birth and a father who left six month later never to return, Marshall spent his early childhood being shoved back and forth from Kansas City and Detroit. He settled on the Eastside of Detroit when he was 12. Switching schools every two to three months made it difficult to make friends, graate and to stay out of trouble. Being a rap fan for most of his life, Marshall began rapping at the early age of 4. Rhyming words together, battling schoolmates in the lunchroom brought joy to what was otherwise a painful existence.
At the age of 14, he began to get very serious about his rapping but it wasn't until he was 17 that he actually made a name for himself, becoming M& M, which he would later respell as "Eminem". Being rejected by most fellow rappers because of his race, Marshall grew an anger that flows through his music to this day. After failing the 9th grade for three times in a row, he quit school, but remarks that he doesn't consider himself stupid and doesn't advise that people should follow his example. He says that it just wasn't for him. Forcing himself on radio shows, freestyle battles, Marshall threw himself head first into the rap game, where he was swallowed up most of the time. His very first album was titled "Infinite" and, while the album sold less than a thousand copies, it was the gearing up stages for the rapper who became a millionaire. It was then that his daughter, Hailie Jade Scott, was born on December 25th of 1995 with long time girlfriend Kim Scott. Having nothing to lose at all, flat broke and not knowing where he would be living the next week, Marshall set out to rant about life in general, the set quickly caught the ear of hip-hop's difficult-to-please underground. What came out of this was the Slim Shady EP, the early work for the later Dr. Dre revised Slim Shady LP. Down to nearly his last dime, he went into the 1997 Rap Olympics in Los Angeles, basically hoping to win the $1,500 cash price which he badly needed. After battling for an hour and throwing back every race diss thrown at him, Marshall made it to second place losing in a slip up. Furious that he had lost, Marshall didn't even notice that he had been spotted. In the crowd were a few procers from Interscope, and they were handed a copy of the "Infinite" tape by way of a demo. Dr. Dre got to hear it and eventually tracked him down. The two instantly hit it off, recording four songs in the their first six hours of working - three which made it to his first LP. After the album was finished, Dr. Dre asked Marshall to come work with him on his new album. He helped proce several tracks and was on the best songs of the album.
Now officially making it, Marshall and Dre set to make his second LP. The album became the Marshall Mathers LP and won 3 Grammies and was the first rap album ever to be nominated "Album of the Year", selling more than 8 million records in the United States alone. He also stunned critics when he shot down all homophobic remarks by performing "Stan" with Elton John. Currently working on his third LP, Em has made a movie, 8 Mile (2002), and has gone back and brought his friend with him; D-12. Though 2001 was a rough year for the rapper, being charged with weapon offenses, divorcing his wife, and almost going to prison, Marshall explains his life today in one word. "Claimer
不论他走到哪里,人们都会争论他是叫 Marshall Mathers 还是 Eminem 还是 Slim Shady,不过这并不妨碍他成为一名饶舌(Rap)巨星。1972年10月17日,Marshall Bruce Mathers III 出生于密苏里州堪萨斯城。小时候就随着母亲四处漂泊,12岁时终于定居于底特律。他在学校的餐厅里唱 rap 歌曲,并获得了成功。九年级时,他对音乐事业的野心使得他离开了学校,做一些低报酬的工作。此后,他先后加入了 Basement Proctions 、the New Jacks 等乐队,以及一个叫 Soul Intent 的二重唱组(发行过 F**king Backstabber )。
1997年,刚改名为 Eminem 的他在厂牌 FBT 旗下发行了自己的首张专辑《Infinite》。“ 《Infinite》是我决定自己的 rap 风格、决定我在麦克风前的声音、向人们推荐我自己的一个尝试”,他后来这么说。专辑得到的评价很糟,不过这次录音的经验对他而言很有价值。
赢得著名 Rap 电台节目 Wake Up Shou 的1997年年度最佳自由式表演者称号,并最终获得在洛山矶举行的饶舌奥运会的自由式比赛的亚军,Eminem 狠狠的回击了从前那些对他吹毛求疵的人。在第二年发行的《The Slim Shady EP》中,Eminem 对他的诽谤者进行了讽刺和攻击。单曲《Just Don't Give A Fuck》在地下音乐圈中成为了一首极受欢迎的热门曲,他也因此受邀在 MC Shabaam Sahddeq 的单曲《Five Star Generals》和 Kid Rock 的专辑《Devil Without A Cause》中和这些著名艺人合作。这张精悍的小专辑强烈的震撼了地下流行乐圈。 Eminem很快赢得了来自四方的赞誉和掌声,这不单是因为他那带有夸张鼻音的说唱风格和富有争议的说唱词,更因为他那白皙的皮肤。长久以来说唱被喻为黑人的音乐,说唱的各门各派皆由黑人说唱手把持。这位敢于独闯龙滩的年轻白人唱手很快被说唱迷灌以“Great White Hope”(直译“伟大的白色希望”)的雅号。他富有争议的说唱生涯仿佛从出世就已经注定。
随后,Eminem 被 Aftermath 唱片公司签下,公司老板、Rap 音乐界的传奇人物 Dr.Dre 很重视这位年轻的饶舌歌手,全程参与了 Eminem 新专辑的制作。专辑《The Slim Shady LP》明显的有着 Dr.Dre 的节奏,是刺激的暴力的大聚会,充满了扭曲的歌词以及 Eminem 自己对道德的见解。这张专辑上市仅一周即创下了销售量突破两百万的最畅销唱片记录。广播,电视,报纸等各大媒体纷纷大幅报道,各方赞誉象潮水一般涌向阿姆。当年的第43届格莱美奖颁奖礼上,Eminem 又一次成为大赢家《The Marshall Mathers LP》荣获最佳专辑奖,主打歌曲《The Real Slim Shady》荣获最佳单曲奖。Eminem 除了蝉联这两大奖项外,和Dr.Dre 共同演唱的歌曲《Forgot About Dre》亦获最佳说唱组合表演奖。在由Music Television Network组织的MTV大奖颁奖礼上,Eminem 也有所建树。凭借MV《The Real Slim Shady》,Eminem 囊括年度最佳MV奖和最佳MV男歌手奖。 出道签约至今仅两年,Eminem 已经五获格莱美奖。即使是当年慧眼识英才的Dr.Dre 对如此成就也是始料未即的。
1999年是属于 Eminem 的。他以单曲《My Name Is》向世人宣告了自己的到来,歌曲的节奏确保了人们决不会搞错演唱者是谁。这首歌非常有趣,歌中猛烈抨击了 Pamela Anderson 以及他的父母令人作呕的行为。这首歌的“电台编辑(radio edit)版”在各地疯狂播出,连摇滚乐电台也不例外,这甚至引起了 Hip Hop 音乐团体的谴责。
专辑《The Slim Shady LP》获得巨大成功,发行第一周就登上了 Billboard 专辑榜的亚军位置。唱片中的歌词招来不少麻烦,人们指责 Eminem 助长了对*的憎恶、对女人的厌恶、*以及*泛滥。歌曲 '97 Bonnie & Clyde 也引起了人们的义愤——它描述了 Eminem 幻想谋杀自己妻子的情节。专辑中有意无意的透露出他对自己母亲的不负责任的厌恶。
在英国,专辑中的第二首单曲也以“电台编辑版”的形式发行,并获得了成功。进行首次巡演、在所到之处引发混乱的同时,Eminem 也一直在找机会和许多人合作,包括 DJ Spinna 和 Missy Elliott 等。夏天时,他代替 Cypress Hill 参加了 American Warped 巡演。
第二张专辑《The Marshall Mathers LP》2000年五月与人们见面,发行首周即空降至美国专辑榜榜首,大获成功,使他成为90年代中期说唱乐的黄金时期后继 2Pac 和 Snoop Doggy Dogg 最成功的说唱艺人。Eminem 在单曲 The Real Slim Shady 中谴责了众多模仿他的人,同时大肆讽刺、指责了 Britney 和 Christina 。这张专辑比起第一张来节奏更加强劲、愤怒,只有歌曲 Stan 和其他歌曲的阴暗气氛形成了对照——这首歌里引用了英国女歌手 Dido 的作品 Thank You 中一段令人难忘的片段。这张专辑依然保持了对人性中的一些缺点的有力控诉。
整个夏天,你都不可能打开收音机却听不到 Eminem 的声音。电台里不仅有 The Real Slim Shady 整天播放,还有他和 Dr. Dre 合作的 Forgot About Dre 。2000年剩下的日子里也全都是他的新闻,包括:两项非法持有武器的指控(这导致他不得不缺席 Carling 音乐节)、闪电般的和妻子 Kim 复婚、被自己的母亲指控因在专辑《the Slim Shady LP》中胡言乱语而使她情绪低落、损害了她的名誉和自尊等等。
2001年他举行了饱受争议的英国巡演,并在伦敦和 Dido 同台献艺。二月,他横扫葛莱美,获得三项大奖,并令人惊讶的和英国摇滚老将 Elton John 一起在领奖台上合唱了 Stan ,别看大痞子 Eminem 对 Britney 、Christina 等当红偶像可以毫不顾忌的臭骂,在 Elton John 这位老前辈面前却也会老实的象个乖孩子。这一段时间里,他还一直受到官司的困扰。
2002年,阿姆卷土重来,在另一个全新的领域展示了自己的才华。他出演了个人第一部好莱坞电影《8 Mile》。电影中讲述了一个酷爱说唱的白人少年的成长片段,男主角的父母早年离异,凭借自己在汽车制造场的最底薪水勉强度日。在酷爱的说唱领域中,也由于自己是白人的缘故而倍受歧视,饱受*,辛酸苦辣的生活滋味感人肺腑。影片内容仿佛是为阿姆度身定作,亲身给歌迷们讲述了自己的成长故事。电影一经上映,不但在说唱界,甚至在好莱坞引起了轰动。阿姆也凭借自己在电影中的一曲原唱《Lose Yourself》荣登奥斯卡最佳原唱奖,成为获得奥斯卡殊荣的流行音乐界第一人。 新的领域开花结果,阿姆酷爱的本行也没落后。同年,阿姆推出了个人第三张专辑 《The Eminem Show》。 专辑销售一如既往的火爆,阿姆也又一次站在格莱美奖的领奖台上。《 The Eminem Show 》荣获45届格莱美最佳说唱专辑奖,主打歌曲《 Without Me 》荣获最佳短MV奖。三张专辑,三获格莱美最佳说唱专辑奖,阿姆没有辜负当年歌迷赐予的昵称“Great White Hope”,如今希望变成了的现实。虽然阿姆的成名可谓平步青云,但是在生活上他历尽艰辛。这位白人小伙凭着自己对说唱音乐的痴迷,在黑人把持的说唱界获得如此成就,印证了中国的一句老话:“事上无难事,只怕有心人。”
不管以后如何,现在的音乐界是大痞子 Eminem 的天下。
热心网友 时间:2023-06-30 06:59