发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-27 04:23
热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 03:55
= =残酷的现实啊,谁都会遇到~在MySpace看到的hot guys很多都好G哦,包括G-Groups也很多(我加了就是为了看帅哥的= =!)
Ask:Im gay and I love my straight friend how should I tell him?
First of all, does your straight friend know that you are gay? If not, then you've got a two-step process ahead you. It is probably not a good idea to lay both things on him at the same time. You will need to find a time, place and way to tell him that you are gay. If he is really your friend, nothing too much will change. If your friend already knows that you are gay, or once your friend has had time to process this news (if you just recently told him) then you are ready to proceed to tell that him that you love him.
We all have a secret wish that the person that we love also will love us. This can usually be sensed, but sometimes it is really hard to tell. The problem with your situation (I've been there too) is that wishful thinking can sometimes take over and then the reality that he is straight can kind of get lost. Keep in mind, you friend is not attracted to guys and cannot love you in the same way that you love him. ONLY as long as you are totally at peace with this should you tell your friend.
我们都会这样意(= =!)淫:我喜欢的人同样喜欢我。这是很感情用事的,这并不准确。你现在的处境就是希望快点结束暗恋(我也有过)但实际上他是个直男可能会离你远去。想想吧,你的直男朋友不是那么吸引人,不会像你一样的方式去喜欢你。除非……(翻译不来)
Having said all of that, do you really want to tell him? You can be sure that he will likely feel a little uncomfortable, but if he is an open and true friend he will be able to handle this information and become an even closer friend. There is a possibility, though, that this may scare him away (at least temporarily).
At this stage it might be a good idea to take a big breath and assess whether you really need to tell him. Perhaps it might be helpful to tell another understanding friend that can act as a sounding board for you. Only you will be able to know what's right for the both of you as you are the one that has the friendship.
How do you tell him? Only you will know exactly the wording that you will use. You must make sure that he understands that you understand that you have no illusions that he will feel the same way as you do. Did you get that last sentence? If not, re-read until thoroughly understood.
I told my very best friend that I loved him. The way I did it was like this: I just told him that if he was also gay, that he would be the guy for me. It went over pretty well, I think he felt flattered (not threatened) and our friendship continued on very happily, and I got to "spill my guts" to him.
My first thought at this question was: what makes you so sure your friend is "straight". By the way, few men are 100%, the same as few men are 100% gay. We are all straight and gay to some degree. Chances are that your "straight" friend has some feelings towards you. So approach him with respect but don't beat around the bush. Tell him you are very fond of him. Do things together (sports, hobby's, work, go out, ...) and see how he reacts if you come physically close to him. And when you feel the time is right, then tell him. If he reacts adversely, well then you know you don't have to continue hoping for his affection; if he reacts favourably, you can discuss what the future may hold for both of you.
我第一次考虑这个问题时在想:是什么让你确信你的朋友是“直”呢?事实上,只有少部分100%直,也只有少部分100%纯G。某时候G或直是相互转换的,改变来自“直男”对感觉方面的影响,别拐弯抹角磨磨唧唧,很认真的告诉他你喜欢(fond of应该和like与love的feeling不一样)他。一起运动,玩,工作,外出,肢体接触稍微亲密点看看他啥反应,当你觉得是时候了,那就告诉他吧。如果他的反应对你不利,好吧,你该知道你不该继续保有希望他会ai你;要是他是接受的反应,你们可以探讨下未来的生活了= =(这就成了?)
To Be Continue。。。
im absolutely madly in love with one of my straight best friends? he is kinda a hippie.....so he is big on love and compassion and spirituality...which makes me love him even more because i can always go to him when i need help. honestly he is everything i could want in a guy. my dream guy...if u will. i know a lot of people say jus try to convert him or what ever, but this isnt just some guy who i want to risk loosing as a friend. he is much too valuable to me even as just a friend to make a risk like that. i almost feel like he is "the one". there isnt one thing i dislike about him. but i just dont know what to do. its very painful to have these feelings about someone i know ill never be with. ive been thinking about ending our friendship jus to end the pain....but i dont know. what would u do? and keep in mind that this is one of the most important friends of your life....not someone u want to be reckless with and risk loosing as a friend by doing something drastic.
显然我是疯狂的喜欢上了我的直男?挚友,他很活泼,所以他特别抢手。。。让我更加喜欢上他的原因是我经常能得到他的帮助,老实说他就是我的理想伴侣(= =!)梦中情人= =!!我知道很多人会说 试着掰弯他 类似的话,但是他不是那种我失去了也无所谓的朋友,他对我太重要了,我不想冒险失去这个朋友。我老是觉得他就是我的“唯一”。没有哪点我我不喜欢,但我不知所措,知道我们不可能在一起是我很痛苦。我想,我不是该放弃友谊这样也许会结束这种痛苦…我不知道不知道~你们会这么做?他可是你一生中最重要的朋友啊。。。不是冒险失去也无所谓的那种
热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 03:55
热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 03:56
热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 03:57
热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 03:57