




From size, it usually generate significant changes in chemical and physical properties of small particle size in 0.1 microns (note 1 m = 100 centimeters, 1 centimeter = 10,000 microns, 1 micron = 10 nanometers, 1 nano = 10 ella), namely below 100 nanometers. Therefore, particle size in 1 ~ 100 nanometer particles called ultra fime grain materials, is also a kind of nanometer materials. Nano metal material is the middle of 1980s, then the successful development of field contains nano semiconcting film, nano ceramic, nano CiXing materials and nano biomedical materials. Nanoscale structure material referred to as the nanometer material (nano material), is to show its structure unit size between 1 nano ~ 100 nanometer range between. Because of its size is close to electronic coherence length, and its nature because strong coherent brings the self-organization makes properties change greatly. And, its scale has come close to the wavelength of light, plus its surface with large special effect, thus its display properties, such as melting point, magnetic, optical, heat conctivity, conctive properties etc, often is different from the substance in overall state behavior of nature. Nanoparticles material called utrasmall particle materials from the nanoparticles (nano distinguish) composition. Nanoparticles also called utrasmall particle size, generally means within 1 ~ 100nm between particles, is in atom clusters and macro objects at the junction of the transition region, from the macro and micro usually on the viewpoint, this system not only atypical microscopic system also atypical macroscopic systems, is a kind of typical mesoscopic system, has the surface effect, small size effect and the macroscopic quantum tunneling effect. When people put the macro object subdivided into utrasmall particle (nanometer level), it will display a lot of exotic characteristics, namely its optical, heat, electricity, magnetic, mechanical and chemical properties of solid and bulky than when there will be significant different.Nanotechnology generalized range including nano materials technology and nano machining technology, nano measurement technology, nano application technology, etc. One nanometer material technology focuses on nano functional material proction (superfine powder, coating, nano modified materials etc), performance testing technology (chemical composition, microstructure and surface morphology and geophysical, geochemical and electric, magnetic and optical properties, such as heat and). Nano machining technology contains precision machining technology (energy beam machining, etc) and scanning probe techniques. Nanomaterials has certain uniqueness, when matter scale small to certain degree, then have to switch to quantum mechanics to replace traditional mechanical view to describe its behavior, when powder particles size by 10 micron drop to 10 nano, its size is changed for 1,000 times, but converted volume is ten nine 4k times the giant, so both behavior will generate obvious difference. Nanoparticles are different from large physical reason is in the surface area of the relative increase, namely utrasmall particle surface was full of ladder shape structure, the structure with high surface can represent the unrest atoms. This kind of atomic extremely easily with foreign atomic adsorption of bonding, at the same time because narrow particle size and provides large surface activity of atoms. It is melting point, nano powder e to each particle constituent atoms less, surface atomic in instability, make its surface lattice vibration amplitude of the bigger, so has the high surface energy, causing utrasmall particle unique thermal property, also is caused by melting down, as nano powder will than traditional powder easy in low temperature sintering and become good sintering promote materials

纳米级结构材料简称为纳米材料(nano material),是指其结构单元的尺寸介于1纳米~100纳米范围之间。由于它的尺寸已经接近电子的相干长度,它的性质因为强相干所带来的自组织使得性质发生很大变化。并且,其尺度已接近光的波长,加上其具有大表面的特殊效应,因此其所表现的特性,例如熔点、磁性、光学、导热、导电特性等等,往往不同于该物质在整体状态时所表现的性质。
纳米颗粒材料又称为超微颗粒材料,由纳米粒子(nano particle)组成。纳米粒子也叫超微颗粒,一般是指尺寸在1~100nm间的粒子,是处在原子簇和宏观物体交界的过渡区域,从通常的关于微观和宏观的观点看,这样的系统既非典型的微观系统亦非典型的宏观系统,是一种典型的介观系统,它具有表面效应、小尺寸效应和宏观量子隧道效应。当人们将宏观物体细分成超微颗粒(纳米级)后,它将显示出许多奇异的特性,即它的光学、热学、电学、磁学、力学以及化学方面的性质和大块固体时相比将会有显著的不同。
