People 用做复数时无确切的单数形式。 (在此方面英语是不固定的:在西班牙语、意大利语和许多其它语言中相应的词是不规则的。)过去,语法学家曾坚持说people 是集合名词, 不能替代描述特定数量个体的persons , 如在六个人被捕了 中。 但是people 常用在这样的上下文中, 其区别在一般的书面语中被大大忽略了,再坚持其区别则显得多余。Persons 仍多被用在法律性的语境中, 例如在交通高峰期容纳少于三个人的汽车不允许使用左单行道。 只有单数person 用在与具体数目有关的复合词中:
a two-person show.
但people 也可用在其它复合词中: people mover;people power。 这些例子是复数名词不能用于复合词的规则的例外情况;请注意我们不能说teethpaste 或 books-burning。
/ ˈpiːpl; ˋpipl/ n
[pl v] persons 人: Were there many people at the party? 聚会上的人多吗? * Some people are very inquisitive. 有些人好管闲事. * streets crowded with people 挤满人的街道 * He meets a lot of famous people in his job. 他在工作中常能见到许多名人. * Many old people live alone. 不少老年人都独自生活. =>Usage at man1 用法见man1.
(a) [C] (all the persons belonging to a) nation, race, tribe or community 民族; 种族; 部落; 人民: the English-speaking peoples 说英语的民族 * The Spartans were a warlike people. 斯巴达人是尚武的民族. (b) [pl v] those persons who live in a particular place or have a particular nationality 生活在某地或有某国籍的人们: the people (ie inhabitants) of London 伦敦居民 * the British, French, Russian, etc people 英国人、 法国人、 *人. =>Usage 见所附用法.
the people [pl v] the citizens of a country, esp those with the right to vote 国民, 公民(尤指有选举权者): The President no longer has the support of the people. 总统已失去国民的支持.
the people [pl v] ordinary persons who do not have a special rank or position in society 普通人; 平民; 民众: the common people 老百姓 * a man of the people, eg a politician who is popular with ordinary people 受民众欢迎的人(如受欢迎的*家).
[pl v] subjects (of a king) or supporters (of a leader) (国王的)臣民; (领袖的)拥护者: a king loved by his people 受臣民爱戴的国王 * His people worked hard to get him elected. 拥护他的人都为使他当选而努力.
[pl v] (infml 口) person's parents or other relatives 父母或亲戚: She's spending Christmas with her people. 她与亲人一起过圣诞节.
(idm 习语) people (who live) in glass houses shouldn't throw stones (saying 谚) one should not criticize others for faults similar to one's own 住在玻璃房子里, 不要向人扔石头; 自己有错就不要批评别人.
> people v [esp passive 尤用於被动语态: Tn, Tn.pr] fill (a place, an area, etc) with people; populate 使(某地)住满人; 居住於: He believes the world is peopled with idiots. 他认为世上多白痴.
NOTE ON USAGE 用法: Compare person, persons, people and peoples. 试比较person、 persons、 people、 peoples的用法.
1 People is the most usual plural of person. *people是person最通用的复数形式. Persons is formal and mostly used in legal language. *persons较文, 主要作法律用语.
2 Person can also sound formal and is often avoided. *person有时也较文, 通常避免使用. In general statements, the sentence can be made plural 在泛指时, 此词在句中可用其复数形式: A person has the right to defend himself/People have the right to defend themselves. 人人均有自卫权. When referring to a particular situation, we can say I saw someone/a man/a woman riding a horse instead of I saw a person riding a horse. 在特指时, 可以说‘我看见有个人[男的/女的]骑着马’(英文句中可以不用person, 用someone/a man/a woman).
3 People is also a singular noun (plural peoples) meaning `nation', `tribe' or `race' *people作‘民族’、 ‘部落’或‘种族’解时, 是单数名词(复数是peoples): The Ancient Egyptians were a fascinating people. 古埃及人是个令人神往的民族. * the French-speaking peoples of the world 世界上说法语的民族.
pupil 1
/ ˈpjuːpl; ˋpjupl/ n (a) person, esp a child, who is taught in school or privately 学生; (尤指)小学生: There are 30 pupils in the class. 这个班有30名学生. * She takes private pupils as well as teaching in school. 她除在学校任教外, 也私自教授学生. (b) person who is taught by an expert; follower 弟子; 门生; 追随者: The painting is the work of a pupil of Rembrandt. 这幅画是伦勃朗的一位弟子的作品. * The tenor was a pupil of Caruso. 这位男高音歌手师承卡鲁索. pupil 2
2 / ˈpjuːpl; ˋpjupl/ n circular opening in the centre of the iris of the eye that regulates the amount of light passing to the retina by becoming larger or smaller 瞳孔. =>illus at eye 见eye插图.
people 是人们, pupil 是学生。 我是老外 =))
people是 “人'