
发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 20:21



热心网友 时间:2022-05-02 03:27

在美国 get 这个动词用的很多, 可惜一般的学生对于这个动词所知有限, 大概只知道 get up, get off 这几个简单的用法, 其实从 get 变化出来的动词何其繁多, 它也是口语英语中很重要的一个部份, 我整理出一些常用但大家可能不熟悉的用法分享给大家。

例如要是人家要发传单给你, 而你手上已经有一张了, 你该怎么回答? 最近我就遇到这种情况, 于是我就照著中文的意思说: I already have one. 发传单的人楞了一下, 说 You got it? 后来想想, 似乎在这种情况下只要说 I got it. 就可以了, 而不需说那么长又那么绕舌的一句: “I already have one.”

1. Get out!


Get out 有二个不同的解释, 一个就是指滚开的意思, 例如你在作事情作得很烦, 可是偏偏有人不识相一直跑来找你聊天, 你就可以对他说, “Get out of here.” 或是只讲 “Get out.” 另外 get out 也有 I don't believe you! 的意思。 比如说上次我跟一个老美说我同学刚毕业就找了一个年薪七万的工作, 他就跟我说, “Get out.” 表示他一点都不相信我说的话。

2. Ten bucks to get in.


记得我第一次去美国的 pub 的时候, 我想问门票是多少钱, 于是我就问 How much is the admission fee? 听来是不是怪怪的? 后来多跟老美接触, 我才了解他们就直接用 get in 来表达这个意思, 如 How much to get in? 就是门票多少钱? 而 Ten bucks to get in 就是说门票是十元。

3. We both agree we'll get around to it!


Get around to it 是个很有用的片语, 它说的是一件你想去做, 但不是很紧急的事, 等你有空时才要去做。 比如说有人跟你介绍有一个餐厅很棒很棒, 说的天花乱坠, 问你想不想去, 你就可以回答 “I will get around to it.” 意谓著等我有时间我会去看看。 值的注意的是这个 to 是介系词, 所以如果后面要接动词必须改成 V-ing , 如 “I'll get around to putting the photos in the album.” 就是说等我有空我会把相片放在相簿里。

4. Does he ever get tired?


这句对话是出自有一次我去老美家做客时, 他们家有个小 baby 跑来跑去, 一付精力充沛的样子, 我的朋友不禁感叹地问, Does he ever get tired? get tired 就是觉的累的意思, 我们的直觉反应可能会说 feel tired 但这种说法并不如 get tired 来的常见。 例如打球时你觉得累了。 你就可以说, “I am getting tired!” 我开始觉得累了。

5. I never get caught.


第一次听人家这么说时, 因为我不知道可以这么说, 所以我一直把它理解成 get cold. 我得到感冒的意思, 所以各位就可以想像再下来会发生什么好笑的事。 这句话也就等于 “I never get a ticket.” 另外, get caught 也可以指被雨淋到了, 比如说外面正下著大雨, 你一回家就有人问你, “Did you get caught in the rain?” 就是问你有没有被雨淋湿。

曾经有人问我, 我昨天淋雨走路回家怎么翻, 我的直觉反应就是, “I got caught in the rain on my way home yesterday.” 但这句话听来不对, 因为 get caught in the rain 是那种意外被雨淋到, 并非你自愿要淋雨的, 后来这句话我问老美, 原来答案是, “I walked home in the rain yesterday.” 听来的确顺多了。

6. You will get used to it!


Get used to 是一个很常用的片语, 表示习惯于某件事, 例如我说美国的天气很乾燥, 你就可以回答我 “You will get used to it!” 要注意的是, get used to 跟 used to 是截然不同的意思, used to 是说过去习惯如何如何, 例如, “I used to get up at 5:30.” 言下之意就是你过去都是 5:30 起床 (当兵的时候), 但那已经是过去式了。

7. I need some time to get my stuffs together.


刚来美国时总是不知道把我的数据“整理一下”该怎么说, 我一直想不出整理该用哪一个动词比较恰当。 后来在偶然的机会中听老美这么说 get my stuffs together. 我觉的这正是我们说的把数据整理一下的意思。 但是如果你坚持要用单一的动词来形容整理, 我想 organize 会是不错的选择。

另外我想补充的是 get together 并在一起 就是 meet,聚在一起意思例如, “Can we get together tonight?” 意思就是今晚我们可不可以碰面? 以前我把这个词误会成男女朋友的“在一起” 因为有一个老美问我 “Can we get together?” 我还以为他对我有意思。

8. Do you know how to get there?


这样的句子我们会习惯说 “Do you know how to go there?” 但是以我个人的经验, 老美比较喜欢用 get there. 这样说听来比较道地, 所以我现在也学会用 get there 代替 go there 了。

9. I got stuck!


可以使用 Get stuck 的情况很多, 例如开车出门遇到大塞车, 你就可以说 “I got stuck in the traffic.” 或是双脚陷在烂泥中, 你也可以说 “I got stuck in the mud.” 或直接说 “I got stuck.”

10. Got you!


比如说你说了一个笑话别人却信以为真, 你就可以很开心地说 Got you! 意思就是我骗到你了, 你上当了! 或者是去打球时你打了一个吊球别人没接到, 你也可以兴奋地大叫 “Got you.” 附带一提, 一般的人不会念成 “Got you.”, 他们会说成 “Gotcha!”

如果你曾仔细听过老美之间的对话, 我想你会发现, 越简单的动词用得越多。 老美尤其偏爱像是 get, make 或是 take 这几个简单的动词, 但是偏偏很多人都搞不清楚什么时候要用 get, 什么时候要用 take. 举个例子吧! 比如说你跟朋友约好了一起要去看表演, 你跟你朋友说, 你帮我拿一张票, 这个 “拿” 要用什么动词好呢? 是 take 吗? bring 吗? 还是 get ? 大家先想想看这个问题。

这一集要再来谈谈 get 这个字, 之前曾写过一篇关于 get 的笔记, 但我觉得没有抓到这个字的精髓, 所以再补写一篇。 我想 get 的用法实在太多太多了, 而且字典上市面多得是。 这里我想仅就一些我觉得容易混淆及一些大家可能不会想到这样用的用法作介绍。

1. I got a ticket for you.


如果你能正确地使用 get 当作这个句子的动词, 那么你的感觉还蛮正确的, 不然就是你已经偷看到了这次的主题了! ^___^ 通常一样东西原来不是你的, 而你获得了这样东西, 就要用 get. 例如你得到一样生日礼物, 你就可以说, “I got a present.” 或是你收到一封信, 这封信在你收到之前都不是你的, 所以你也可以用 get 当动词, 像是, “I got a letter from my sister.” (我收到我姐寄来的一封信。) 同样的, 就“拿一张票”这件事来讲, 这张票原来也不是你的, 所以你就要说, “I got a ticket.”

至于 take 和 bring 的意思是蛮接近的, 都是指去拿一件原来已经是属于你的东西, 但通常 take 是指“拿去”, bring 指“拿来”。 例如你说, “I will go home to take your ticket.” 就是说这张票你可能早就买好了, 你只不过要回家去拿而已。 同样的, 你说 “I will bring you the ticket.” 也是指这张票原来是你的, 你只不过是带来给人家而已。

最后补充一点, 另外还有一个字 fetch 它指的是指拿去又拿来, 例如你丢东西给狗去捡, 狗跑过去再把它捡回来这就是 fetch. 或是你去机场把人给接回来也可以用 fetch. 注意一下这几个字之间的区别。

2. Somebody get them the ball.


有一次我们在宿舍外的草坪一边烤肉, 一边看人家在打沙滩排球, 结果有一次球出界, 滚到我们附近, 结果有一个老美看到了, 就说了, “Somebody get them the ball.” 我这时才恍然大悟, 原来捡球就用 get the ball 就好了。

而且大家有没有发现, 老美很喜欢用 get somebody something 这样的句型。 例如上一句, 我帮你拿一张票, 你也可以说成, “I got you a ticket.” 听来更是简洁有力。 这也正是老美最喜欢用的说法。

3. Can you get me out there.


在最新的 007 电影 The World Is Never Enough 里, 当 007 发现输*里被放了一颗*的时候, 他就跟身边的人说, “Can you get me out there?” 就是说, 你能不能把我弄过去那里? 我想这个地方如果说成 take me out there 也可以, 但因为人家是 007 啊! 所以我们还是学他这样说, “Can you get me out there?” . 而且这样子讲意思比较像是把我 “弄” 过去那里, 而不单纯只是“带”我去那里。 像这种句子日常生活中常用到, 各位应该要多多熟记才是。

4. I'll get back to you if I find something new.

如果我有什么新发现的话, 我会再回来找你。

如果单看中文, “我会回来找你。” 一定会有不少人蠢蠢欲动想要把它翻成, “I'll come back to find you.” 那就大错特错了。 其实很简单, 只要翻成 “I'll get back to you.” 不就完事了吗? 而且轻松愉快。 像这种用法, 特别喜欢用在要回答别人问题的时候。 只要你一时回答不出对方的问题, 你都可以说, “I'll get back to you later.” (我晚点再告诉你。)

我们在讲电话的时候也常常用 get back to you. 例如二个人讲电话讲到没什么话讲了, 你说我明天再跟你聊吧, 这里就可以说, “I'll get back to you tomorrow.” 或是比如说你打电话给人家, 人家不在, 你就可以在他的电话答录机上留言, “I'll get back to you later.” (我晚点再找你。)

5. You'd better eat the soup before it gets cold.


Get 本身有“从 A 状态变成 B 状态” 的意思在里面。 很多人一听到“变”成怎样, 心中的第一个跑出来的字就是 become. 其是在生活美语当中, 用 get 的机会远超过 become. 例如天色变暗就是用 “It gets dark.” 那如果是变得越来越怎么样, 则用现在进行式加上比较级, 例如天气变得越来越热, 你就可以说, “It's getting hotter.” 记得有一次听广播, 有一个听众从迈阿密 (美国佛罗里达最南边的城市) 打电话进来, 他就跟主持人说, “When the weather is getting hotter, the chicks are getting hornier.” (当这里的天气越来越热, 这里的女孩也越来越*。) 虽然是有点太那个, 但是我觉得还蛮有趣的。

6. Can I get you alone?


大家都有类似的经验吧? 在一个人声吵杂的环境当中, 你想要跟某人讲一些很重要的话, (也许是要“作”一些很重要的事。 Who knows?) 这时你就会说, “我们能不能单独谈谈?” 这句话英文怎么说? 想不到这么简单吧? 就是 “Can I get you alone?” 乾净俐落。 当然你也可以说, “Can we have a private moment?” 意思完全相同。

还有另一个情况也蛮常见的, 比如你跟人家说, 我能不能占用你一点点的时间, 你会怎么造句? 没想到老美也是用 get 就搞定了。 他们会说, “Can I get you a second?” 这句话也是很漂亮吧! 这些都是我在日常生活中跟老美学来的句子喔!

7. Tell everybody to get involved this activity.


大家分得清楚 join 跟 get involved 之间的区别吗? 我想这样讲各位可能会比较明白, join 就是所谓的“参加” 而 get involved 是所谓的 “参与”。 我想参加非参与, 参加是说成为某一个团体的新成员或是加入某一个活动, 而参与是指从事各项活动而言。 比如说社团现在有一个音乐会, 要请大家上台表演, 或是帮忙安排场地, 你就可以跟大家说, “Everybody please get involved.”

8. I hope everybody can get together on Sunday.


只要是几个人聚在一起就是 get together. 例如我们在作大型的 project 时, 老美就会说, “Let's get together to discuss the topic this afternoon.” (我们大家下午聚一聚讨论这个主题。) 另外还有一次大家要一起去看美式足球赛, 可是现场人非常地多, 为了怕大家走散, 就有人说, “Everybody gets together.” (大家靠在一起, 不要走散了。)

Get something together 我也常听他们讲, 就是说把东西整理一下, 例如有人下午要上台作报告, 早上他就会说 “I have to get my stuff together.” 或是也可以说, “I have to organize my stuff.”

9. We are trying to get rid of the mice in this house.


Get rid of 指的是除去某些另人很讨厌的东西, 或是很讨厌的人。 例如有人很烦, 你就可以说,“I will get rid of him.” 这句话昨天我去看一部电影 Stuart Little 时也听到一次, 就是他们家的猫 (Snowbell) 很讨厌 Stuart, 它就跟其它的猫说了, “I will get rid of that mouse.”

10. I really got a kick out of bungee jumping.


Kick 除了一般大家所熟知的意思: “踢” 之外, 在口语的英文中也有兴奋, 快感的意思。 所以老美常会说, “I got a kick out of something.” 或是 “I got a kick from something.” 就是说他对这件事情感到十分兴奋。 比方说高空弹跳 (bungee jumping) 吧! 那么贵又那么可怕, 你问人家为什么还喜欢去玩, 别人可能就会说, “I don't know. I just got a kick out of it.” (我也不知道, 我就是从其中得到快感。) 同样地, 这句话也可以说成, “I'm thrilled.” 或是 “I got the groove.”

热心网友 时间:2022-05-02 04:45

It is upsetting when a person gets punished for a crime that he didn’t commit. The picture got damaged (=was damaged) when we were moving. If they make such criticisms they will get treated with the contempt they deserve. The old lady got hit by a flower pot falling from a balcony. I got invited to lots of parties last holidays. I don’t want to get mixed up with the police again.
The police say the man was shot when they found him, but they don’t know when he got shot.
在这个句子中was shot表示状态,而got shot则表示动作。再如:另外,"be+过去分词"构成的被动语态不用于将来进行时和完成进行时;而"get+过去分词"可以用这些时态。
You will be getting cursed. My brother has been getting examined

to 有两种用法: 一为不定式+动词原形; 一为介词+名词/动名词, to 在下面的用法中是第二种,即to+ 名词/动名词:

admit to承认, confess to承认,

be accustomed to 习惯于, be used to 习惯于,

stick to 坚持, turn to开始,着手于,

devote oneself to 献身于, be devoted to 致力于,

look forward to 盼望, pay attention to 注意

本文来自: 优习网(www.YouTheme.cn) 详细出处参考:http://www.youtheme.cn/en/cet3/fuxi/Grammar/200804/1424.html

热心网友 时间:2022-05-02 06:20

1中get changed 是个习惯用法
2中不是被动,仍然是get changed ,只是加了进行时态。
get 的用法去看词典吧大1点的词典应该会有好几页。

–verb (used with object) 1. to receive or come to have possession, use, or enjoyment of: to get a birthday present; to get a pension.
2. to cause to be in one's possession or succeed in having available for one's use or enjoyment; obtain; acquire: to get a good price after bargaining; to get oil by drilling; to get information.
3. to go after, take hold of, and bring (something) for one's own or for another's purposes; fetch: Would you get the milk from the refrigerator for me?
4. to cause or cause to become, to do, to move, etc., as specified; effect: to get one's hair cut; to get a person drunk; to get a fire to burn; to get a dog out of a room.
5. to communicate or establish communication with over a distance; reach: You can always get me by telephone.
6. to hear or hear clearly: I didn't get your last name.
7. to acquire a mental grasp or command of; learn: to get a lesson.
8. to capture; seize: Get him before he escapes!
9. to receive as a punishment or sentence: to get a spanking; to get 20 years in jail.
10. to prevail on; influence or persuade: We'll get him to go with us.
11. to prepare; make ready: to get dinner.
12. (esp. of animals) to beget.
13. Informal. to affect emotionally: Her pleas got me.
14. to hit, strike, or wound: The bullet got him in the leg.
15. Informal. to kill.
16. Informal. to take vengeance on: I'll get you yet!
17. to catch or be afflicted with; come down with or suffer from: He got malaria while living in the tropics. She gets butterflies before every performance.
18. Informal. to puzzle; irritate; annoy: Their silly remarks get me.
19. Informal. to understand; comprehend: I don't get the joke. This report may be crystal-clear to a scientist, but I don't get it.
–verb (used without object) 20. to come to a specified place; arrive; reach: to get home late.
21. to succeed, become enabled, or be permitted: You get to meet a lot of interesting people.
22. to become or to cause oneself to become as specified; reach a certain condition: to get angry; to get sick.
23. (used as an auxiliary verb fol. by a past participle to form the passive): to get married; to get elected; to get hit by a car.
24. to succeed in coming, going, arriving at, visiting, etc. (usually fol. by away, in, into, out, etc.): I don't get into town very often.
25. to bear, enre, or survive (usually fol. by through or over): Can he get through another bad winter?
26. to earn money; gain.
27. Informal. to leave promptly; scram: He told us to get.
28. to start or enter upon the action of (fol. by a present participle expressing action): to get moving; Get rolling.
–noun 29. an offspring or the total of the offspring, esp. of a male animal: the get of a stallion.
30. a return of a ball, as in tennis, that would normally have resulted in a point for the opponent.
31. British Slang. a. something earned, as salary, profits, etc.: What's your week's get?
b. a child born out of wedlock.

—Verb phrases32. get about, a. to move about; be active: He gets about with difficulty since his illness.
b. to become known; spread: It was supposed to be a secret, but somehow it got about.
c. to be socially active: She's been getting about much more since her family moved to the city.
Also, get around.
33. get across, a. to make or become understandable; communicate: to get a lesson across to students.
b. to be convincing about; impress upon others: The fire chief got across forcefully the fact that turning in a false alarm is a serious offense.

34. get ahead, to be successful, as in business or society: She got ahead by sheer determination.
35. get ahead of, a. to move forward of, as in traveling: The taxi got ahead of her after the light changed.
b. to surpass; outdo: He refused to let anyone get ahead of him in business.

36. get along, a. to go away; leave.
b. get on.

37. get around, a. to circumvent; outwit.
b. to ingratiate oneself with (someone) through flattery or cajolery.
c. to travel from place to place; circulate: I don't get around much anymore.
d. get about.

38. get at, a. to reach; touch: to stretch in order to get at a top shelf.
b. to suggest, hint at, or imply; intimate: What are you getting at?
c. to discover; determine: to get at the root of a problem.
d. Informal. to influence by surreptitious or illegal means; bribe: The gangsters couldn't get at the mayor.

39. get away, a. to escape; flee: He tried to get away, but the crowd was too dense.
b. to start out; leave: The racehorses got away from the starting gate.

40. get away with, to perpetrate or accomplish without detection or punishment: Some people lie and cheat and always seem to get away with it.
41. get by, a. to succeed in going past: to get by a police barricade.
b. to manage to exist, survive, continue in business, etc., in spite of difficulties.
c. to evade the notice of: He doesn't let much get by him.

42. get down, a. to bring or come down; descend: The kitten climbed the tree, but then couldn't get down again.
b. to concentrate; attend: to get down to the matter at hand.
c. to depress; discourage; fatigue: Nothing gets me down so much as a rainy day.
d. to swallow: The pill was so large that he couldn't get it down.
e. to relax and enjoy oneself completely; be uninhibited in one's enjoyment: getting down with a bunch of old friends.

43. get in, a. to go into a place; enter: He forgot his key and couldn't get in.
b. to arrive; come: They both got in on the same train.
c. to become associated with: He got in with a bad crowd.
d. to be chosen or accepted, as for office, membership, etc.: As secretary of the club, his friend made sure that he got in.
e. to become implicated in: By embezzling money to pay his gambling debts quickly, he was getting in further and further.

44. get off, a. to escape the consequences of or punishment for one's actions.
b. to help (someone) escape punishment: A good lawyer might get you off.
c. to begin a journey; leave: He got off on the noon flight.
d. to leave (a train, plane, etc.); dismount from (a horse); alight.
e. to tell (a joke); express (an opinion): The comedian got off a couple of good ones.
f. Informal. to have the effrontery: Where does he get off telling me how to behave?
g. Slang: Vulgar. to experience orgasm.
h. to experience or cause to experience a high from or as if from a drug.
i. to cause to feel pleasure, enthusiasm, or excitement: a new rock group that gets everyone off.

45. get on or along, a. to make progress; proceed; advance.
b. to have sufficient means to manage, survive, or fare.
c. to be on good terms; agree: She simply can't get on with her brothers.
d. to advance in age: He is getting on in years.

46. get out, a. to leave (often fol. by of): Get out of here! We had to get out of the bus at San Antonio.
b. to become publicly known: We mustn't let this story get out.
c. to withdraw or retire (often fol. by of): He decided to get out of the dry goods business.
d. to proce or complete: Let's get this work out!

47. get over, a. to recover from: to get over an illness.
b. get across.

48. get through, a. to succeed, as in meeting, reaching, or contacting by telephone (usually fol. by to): I tried to call you last night, but I couldn't get through.
b. to complete; finish: How he ever got through college is a mystery.
c. to make oneself understood: One simply cannot get through to her.

49. get to, a. to get in touch or into communication with; contact: It was too late by the time he got to the authorities.
b. Informal. to make an impression on; affect: This music really gets to you.
c. to begin: When he gets to telling stories about the war, there's no stopping him.

—Idioms50. get back, a. to come back; return: When will you get back?
b. to recover; regain: He got back his investment with interest.
c. to be revenged: She waited for a chance to get back at her accuser.

51. get even. even1 (def. 26).
52. get going, a. to begin; act: They wanted to get going on the construction of the house.
b. to increase one's speed; make haste: If we don't get going, we'll never arrive in time.

53. get it, Informal. a. to be punished or reprimanded: You'll get it for breaking that vase!
b. to understand or grasp something: This is just between us, get it?

54. get it off, Slang: Vulgar. to experience orgasm.
55. get it on, a. Informal. to work or perform with satisfying harmony or energy or develop a strong rapport, as in music: a rock group really getting it on with the audience.
b. Slang: Vulgar. to have sexual intercourse.

56. get it up, Slang: Vulgar, to achieve an erection of the penis.
57. get off on, Slang. to become enthusiastic about or excited by: After years of indifference, she's getting off on baseball.
58. get round. get around.
59. get the lead out. lead2 (def. 15).
60. get there, to reach one's goal; succeed: He wanted to be a millionaire but he died before he got there.
61. get together, a. to accumulate; gather: to get together a portfolio of 20 stocks.
b. to congregate; meet: The alumnae chapter gets together twice a year.
c. to come to an accord; agree: They simply couldn't get together on matters of policy.

62. get up, a. to sit up or stand; arise.
b. to rise from bed.
c. to ascend or mount.
d. to prepare; arrange; organize: to get up an exhibit.
e. to draw upon; marshal; rouse: to get up one's courage.
f. to acquire a knowledge of.
g. (to a horse) go! go ahead! go faster!
h. to dress, as in a costume or disguise: She got herself up as an astronaut.
i. to proce in a specified style, as a book: It was got up in brown leather with gold endpapers.

63. has or have got, a. to possess or own; have: She's got a new car. Have you got the tickets?
b. must (fol. by an infinitive): He's got to get to a doctor right away.
c. to suffer from: Have you got a cold?

热心网友 时间:2022-05-02 08:11



e.g.Yesterday I got lots of birthday gifts.
e.g.I have got aheadache.我患了头疼病。


e.g.I always get to school on time.他总是准时到校。
e.g.The woman have got angry.那位妇女变得很生气。




例如,say to sb./talk to sb./send sth. to sb./lend sth. to sb./give sth to sb等等

热心网友 时间:2022-05-02 10:19

get在用时要根据情况,不过它是动词是没错,但意思有变.例如,Iget up at 6 every day.中它是跟up一起用,是”起床”啦.同时,它还有很多其他意思,建议你找多点有关词组了解下.

to 有介词及副词意,表方位啊,目的啊.还是希望你多去理解下才行.看多了,自然就明白啦.
