发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 12:18
热心网友 时间:2023-07-14 21:18
ncftp 工具的使用
ftp 全名为 File Transfer Protocol(档案传输协定),File Transfer Protocol 主要的功用是在 TCP/IP 网路上传送档案,常见的 ftp 工具有 ,ftp gftp lftp ncftp mc proz wget 等。档案传输在系统管理及运用上十分常见,请务必学会其中一种,以下以 ncftp 示范。
ncftp 的使用方法与 command line 下的 Bash 用法相近,以下是常用指令:
cd 切换目录
mkdir 建立目录
rmdir 砍掉空目录
del 砍掉档案
get 取回档案
put 将档案放上去
使用 ncftp 登入需帐号密码的 ftp server
语法为 ncftp -u USERNAME IP-address
语法为 ncftp -u USERNAME Hostname
lloyd@alver:~$ ncftp -u lloyd
NcFTP 3.1.3 (Mar 27, 2002) by Mike Gleason (ncftp@ncftp.com).
Connecting to
alver.coventive.com FTP server (Version 6.4/OpenBSD/Linux-ftpd-0.17) ready.
Logging in...
Password requested by for user "lloyd".
Password required for lloyd.
Password: ## 输入密码 ##
Linux alver 2.4.18 #22 周六 8月 3 10:58:28 CST 2002 i686 unknown
Most of the programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are
freely redistributable; the exact distribution terms for each program
are described in the indivial files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright
Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
permitted by applicable law.
User lloyd logged in.
Logged in to
ncftp /home/lloyd > cd DOC/ # 切换目录到 DOC
ncftp /home/lloyd/DOC > ls # 列出该目录下的档案与目录
123/ LLOYD/ tech-report.ps VCD
5_SGML/ minigateway/ user_manual.pdf XRoadTerm/
i18n/ radius/ user_manual.ps XRoadTerm.tar.gz
ncftp /home/lloyd/DOC > help # 线上求助
Commands may be abbreviated. 'help showall' shows hidden and unsupported
commands. 'help <command>' gives a brief description of <command>.
ascii cat help lpage open quote site
bgget cd jobs lpwd page rename type
bgput chmod lcd lrename pdir rhelp umask
bgstart close lchmod lrm pls rm version
binary debug lls lrmdir put rmdir
bookmark dir lmkdir ls pwd set
bookmarks get lookup mkdir quit show
ncftp /home/lloyd/DOC > get XRoadTerm.tar.gz # 以 get 取回 XRoadTerm.tar.gz 档案
XRoadTerm.tar.gz: 20.50 kB 563.41 kB/s
ncftp /home/lloyd/DOC > quit # 离开
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lloyd@alver:~$ ls -l XRoadTerm.tar.gz # 回到 shell 下,查看档案是否抓回来了
-rw-r--r-- 1 lloyd lloyd 20993 6月 24 14:19 XRoadTerm.tar.gz
使用 ncftp 登入提供 anonymous 的 ftp server (公众使用无须帐号密码的 ftp
server )
语法为 ncftp P-address
语法为 ncftp Hostname
以下以中山 ftp server 为例:
lloyd@alver:~$ ncftp ftp.nsysu.e.tw # 除了这里不同外其余用法相同
NcFTP 3.1.3 (Mar 27, 2002) by Mike Gleason (ncftp@ncftp.com).
Connecting to
Welcome to National Sun Yat-Sen University FTP Server (ftp.nsysu.e.tw).
File Search Engine on the URL
目前 FTP 部份有 2 人正在线上,最高* 5000 人.
There are currently 2 users out of 5000 possible.
Only anonymous FTP is allowed here. Please login as 'ftp'.
Logging in...
!!!! Important Function !!!! (重要功能介绍)
o 'cd key*word' or 'cd prefix*' or 'cd *suffix' provided (case-insentive).
(例:cd freebsd 可以打成 cd fr 或 cd *sd 或 cd f*e*d 都通用,大小写都行)
请多多利用 <A HREF=""></A>
ADM.Email: ftpadm@cc.nsysu.e.tw
Anonymous user (202.145.53.) logged in
Unknown command
Logged in to ftp.nsysu.e.tw.
ncftp /pub > cd Windows
ncftp /pub/Windows > ls
Collection/ Mobile@ SAC@ WindowsNT/
Demo/ MsDownload/ Simtelnet/ Winsock-l/
ncftp /pub/Windows > cd Collection/
ncftp /pub/Windows/Collection > ls
CDR-Soft/ Image/ MultiMedia/ Sound/
Driver/ LIB/ Network/ WWW/
ncftp /pub/Windows/Collection > quit
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热心网友 时间:2023-07-14 21:19
热心网友 时间:2023-07-14 21:19
【文 摘】胸膜局限性纤维性肿瘤(LFTP)是少见的原发性胸膜肿瘤,过去一直被误认为良性间皮瘤。其命名混乱,误诊率也较高。
command line file transfer program
...是]: lesstif (a free replacement for OSF/Motif(R)) lftp-4.0.7-i486-1 [inst=是]: lftp (command line file transfer program) lha-114i-i486-1 [inst=是]: lha (LHa archive utility) libFS-1.0.2-i486-1 [inst=是]: libFS libICE-1.0.6-i486-1 [inst=是]:...
热心网友 时间:2023-07-14 21:20