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热心网友 时间:2023-07-29 05:57
先看看这4个符号的长相,从左到右依次是:Hyphen ,En dash ,Em dash ,Minus sign
1. 用于复合词,如:
upper-case letter
2. 用于分隔数字或字母,例如电话号码:
My name is Phyllis; that's p-h-y-l-l-i-s.
3. 用于排版时连接因断行而被打断的单词,例如:
Trust Law ranks the Congo as one of themost dangerous coun-
tries for sexual violence.
1. 相当于 to。主要用于连接数字或单词,表示「到并包括」(up to andincluding)。不过应注意,在 from...to... 和between...and... 的结构中,不要用 en dash 去替代中间的 to 和 and。
Her college years, 1998–2002, were thehappiest in her life.
For documentation and indexing, see chapters 16–18.
In Genesis 6:13–22 we find God's instructions to Noah.
Join us on Thursday, 11:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m., to celebrate the New Year.
The London–Paris train leaves at two o'clock.
I have blocked out December 2002–March 2003 to complete my manuscript.
Her articles appeared in Postwar Journal (3 November 1945–4 February 1946).
Green Bay beat Denver 31–24.
The legislature voted 101–13 to adopt the resolution.
2. 后面什么也不接。比如用于表示年代,若事件仍在进行中,en dash 后面不要加空格。
Professor Plato's survey (1999–) willcover the subject in the final volume.
Jane Doe (1950–); or Jane Doe (b. 1950)
3. 代替hyphen的用途。在复合型形容词中,如果其中一个构成元素是开放型复合词,或者如果其中两个或多个构成元素是开放型复合词或带 hyphen 的复合词,那么应使用en dash。
the post–World War II years
a hospital–nursing home connection
a nursing home–home care policy
a quasi-public–quasi-judicial body (or, better, a judicial body that isquasi-public and quasi-judicial)
在上述前三例中,post 和 World War II,hospital 和 nursing home,以及 nursing home 和 home 都是所属新的复合词中的元素,这些元素本身已经是开放型复合词,为了避免混淆和层次清晰,应使用 en dash 来连接。第四例中,quasi-public 和 quasi-judicial是两个的均带 hyphen 的复合词,它们需要进一步连接起来,所以中间用了 en dash。
non-English-speaking peoples
a wheelchair-user-designed environment (or, better, an environment designed forwheelchair users)
U.S.-Canadian relations
上述前两例都是单个词的复合,尽管由三个以上元素构成,一律都用 hyphen。第三例中,复合词的缩写(U.S.)视为一个词,所以也用 hyphen。
1. 它的用法最复杂、最灵活。为了避免混淆,一个句子不应包含超过两个 em dash,如果实在需要,应使用圆括弧。
2. 用于详述或解释。基本相当于一组逗号、圆括弧,或冒号的用途。
It was a revival of the most potentimage in modern democracy—the revolutionary idea.
The influence of three impressionists—Monet, Sisley, and Degas—is obvious inher work.
The chancellor—he had been awake half the night—came down in an angry mood.
She outlined the strategy—a strategy that would, she hoped, secure the peace.
My friends—that is, my former friends—ganged up on me.
3. 用于分隔引导从句的代词。
Consensus—that was the will-o’-the wisphe doggedly pursued.
Broken promises, petty rivalries, and false rumors—such were the obstacles heencountered.
Darkness, thunder, a sudden scream—nothing alarmed the child.
Kingston, who first conceived the idea; Barber, who organized the fundraisingcampaign; and West, who concted the investigation—those were the women mostresponsible for the movement's early success.
4. 表示思考或对话中句子结构的突然中断,有时也可用省略号代替。
"Will he—can he—obtain thenecessary signatures?" asked Mill.
"Well, I don't know," I began tentatively. "I thought Imight—"
"Might what?" she demanded.
但如果中断来自于所引用材料的外部,em dash 应当出现在引号的外面。例如:
"Someday he's going to hit one ofthose long shots, and"—his voice turned huffy—"I won't be there tosee it."
5. 替代逗号,或与逗号一起使用。如果在需要使用 em dash 时,需要用逗号来分隔从句和分句时,逗号可以省略。
Because the data had not been fullyanalyzed—the reason for this will be discussed later—the publication of thereport was delayed.
但如果 em dash 出现在引用材料的末尾表示中断,应当在说话人的身份之前用逗号。例句:
"I assure you, we shallnever—," Sylvia began, but Mark cut her short.
6. 和其他标点连用。一般来说,em dash 可以跟在问号、感叹号的后面,但不能跟在逗号、冒号、分号的后面,也几乎不能跟在句号的后面。
All at once Richardson—can he have beenout of his mind?—shook his fist in the ambassador's face.
Only if—heaven forbid!—you lose your passport should you call home.
7. 用于代替引号。有些法语作家常用 em dash 代替引号表示对话,每段话另起一段。
—Will he obtain the necessarysignatures?
—Of course he will!
8. 用于索引。
—body armor: cuirass, 135–36, 147, 152,
244, 258, 260, 311; greaves, 135, 179,
260; helmets, 101, 135, 147, 221, 243,
2-EM 和 3-EM DASHES (—— and ———)
双重和三重的 em dash 相对少见,但也是正规的标点符号,可以介绍一下。
2-em dash 用来表示单词拼写不全,或名字的省略,或粗话的省略,或无法识别的字迹等。如果整个单词都丢失了,2-em dash的左右两侧都应留出空格,如果只有一部分丢失,那么在 2-em dash 和单词现存部分之间不应有空格。如果 2-em dash 代表整个单词的结束,那么之后应留出正常的词间空格。
"The region gives its —— to thelanguage spoken there.
Admiral N—— and Lady R—— were among the guests.
David H——h [Hirsch?] voted aye.
3-em dash 用于参考文献(bibliography),后面接一个句号(.),表示和上一条是同一个作者。
———. The Last Dinosaur Book. Chicago:University of Chicago Press, 1998.
关于 en dash 和 em dash的用法,在英、美略有习惯差异,例如有的英国出版机构,如剑桥大学出版社、企鹅、劳特里奇等,喜欢用两边带空格的 en dash 来替代两边不带空格的 em dash,但这在美国很少见,而另一部分英国出版机构,如牛津大学出版社,也支持美国那种两边不带空格的 em dash 风格。