<The hardest thing> 98 Degrees . 98 Degrees一个*的美国男子组合,声音同样*,在这首歌中尤为体现<Upside down> A-teens ,很欢快的一首歌<Like a rose> <When I'm missing you> <Let it out> <One in love> A1 优格男孩的歌永远那么经典<One better> <I'm all about you> Aron Carter ,帅气的外表 迷人的歌声...<Whiskey Lullaby> <When you say nothing at all> Alison Krauss<If you come to me> Atomic Kitten<Complicated> <I'm with you> <Tomorrow> <Nobody's fool> <When you're gone><My happy ending> <Don't tell me> Avril Lavigne 爱微尔的歌大家都不陌生吧 而这是经典中的经典<The loneliness> <Wish that I could tell you> <With him> <Mad sexy girl> <Drama,love&'lationships> <Everytime I close my eyes> Babyface Babyface的歌好听到你想哭<How deep is your love> Bee Gees<Irreplaceable> Beyonce 碧昂斯啊!!又漂亮歌又好听 这首歌是今年全美最受欢迎的!<Let's get retarted> Black Eyed Peas 没见过 但歌确实不错<All rise> <If you come back> <U make me wanna> <One love> Blue 好听好听 好听!!<One in a million> Bosson<no matter what> Boyone<Back at one> Brian McKnight<I will always return> <Here I am> Bryan Adams 亚当的歌沧桑中带着*...<Stuck in my heart> C21 不错的歌 旋律很好 朗朗上口<Craigie Hill> Cara Dillon 很美的一首歌<Wicked Game> Chris Isaak 这首歌有点老了 是我看<Friends>第二季中的插曲 不过还是很经典的...<Hurt> <Come on over> <Fighter> Christina Aguilera 身材超* 声音超野性 尤其<