Fiona’s Task Two 模板
, @. @: ]2 E5 [+ n7 v: R: I( ~0 d2 s# a' f8 D# D5 u Z* ^
& z3 R8 T1 M2 M因为fiona的个人习惯,无论是argumentation还是discussion,我都采取两面倒结构,也就是一些书里提到的等分型(counter-argument)。1 O& ?) A8 Y5 N+ t$ b
1 discussion 型$ i6 X: m `; T$ [% \
Eg: The gap between the city and the countryside is becoming increasingly large.Why? How to bridge the gap?! U6 N4 E% e$ {0 a
结构:2 J, o. ~* @, v1 B! w
第一段 概述 胡扯 一堆(fiona提示:用好句子,精炼一些的)
, u/ @ K3 ~6 C) }第二段 回答why.一般来说列举3个原因) S I f& u9 ~& q* U! ^
第三段 回答how.一般来说也列举3个,与上一段原因顺序一致,可呼应,不呼应也可。
' J8 X9 A/ m& \1 f第四段 结尾。
# _* D* a6 d% o+ K % Z' V$ y. a2 U- f) } q8 E1 D
模板:7 B" z- E1 [* R8 ?
第一段0 C, Q' f% v2 w9 \( ~$ `8 R
讲述背景 最后来一句:*******(this issue)has aroused people’s wide concern.
- ]; A; j% k' y! B5 q; ~第二段
, j5 ?7 k0 O: a# ?列举原因3 z' h M0 B' x- N3 H" J9 V( v
开头说上一句话,最好是比较professional的句子吧。这个句子没模版,根据具体题目具体来。然后列举原因用的连接词主要有:& U8 A& R4 H2 c# |# h' ^4 L
To begin with/Moreover/In addition/Last of all
. N" l. t6 Q+ _9 C3 T% J- _Primarily/Furthermore/Last of all# s. ^. w' p8 @) T, r% M* B
第三段% p, V! B( H( I r
7 N5 ~2 C. G h# v(同第二段)
& n |; ^# n$ d4 k9 |$ MIn view of the significance of ***********,we shall take some timely steps to*****2 H+ U3 ^5 n, ^4 _
第四段 结尾(发出号召或倡议,畅想未来)6 ~% T$ o9 [) y' G0 Z
Let’s make joint efforts to …6 C& ~9 F/ ]; s& L
It’s necessory for us to…..; {0 s& y* ~; r% M7 Q. u" o
* R0 E2 h c. F4 d + O! [7 H) |8 s
5 G# g8 E3 M3 v6 S2 X8 |
0 C2 f9 J/ v# y6 C/ {; \Eg:$ @7 C1 X: r, K! n
Should females be encouraged to go back home to be full-time housewives or go out to pursue their own careers?' y8 P8 Z$ Z8 f5 _5 V
+ N7 V7 O8 P, x$ F) V/ Q
第二段,陈述其中一方的观点,加具体论据100words6 B- e7 K. _+ n4 M; T# c! o
第三段,过渡然后陈述另一方观点,加具体论据100words. l$ S% a3 X( ~0 {1 o& X
2 D% w( p3 ]* ?8 A, x r* |5 ]. L - T3 x& w/ W$ K2 u" m( y. X' Z/ D
模版. ~, z1 X% U. c. T8 {1 x
G6 o3 M+ y5 L0 k' e @
第一段- F& A t, H% O& a( n. t' B# A( \
1)Recently there has arisen a heated debate over ****.People retain diverse attitudes towards this hot issue.Before presenting my view,I intend to discuss both sides of the argument(fiona最常用模版句)# }7 K" ^8 c0 R$ d5 [; f
, p: v- V$ A" m; } D4 T' u' l(fiona提示:模版句是套在你句子里面的,本段不单单是只有模版句的啦^_^)+ K, q4 ]# O3 P. S
2)*****************,however,we had to admit that***************(前后两个论点)
3 p5 d3 d; V- \' B, Zfiona提示:反正就要在第一段里面简要的把两个观点都陈述出来然后指出自己要在下面的文章中进行讨论,注意过渡句、词的运用。
( F' N; Y4 n" P: F6 z 1 O+ ]" o; o/ G6 A; P% t# f$ a
下面fiona写一篇第一段,红字部分为模版句; x/ Q% m4 c/ J' I$ a1 S
Over the past few years,e to the fierce competition and heavy pressure,job-hopping has already become a fashion in the workforce,Many people hop from job to job.As to whether people should be encouraged to changed their jobs frequently,there arises a contentious discussion.8 a0 K' `8 |; G( l
! K& _8 `' n; G7 n8 D: Z* \第二段( `7 n# @; p- U
2 L1 M& n4 W1 B! JAdvocates of****hold the belief that***************# z; w5 X; ]- @: j# F
To begin with/Moreover/In addition/Last of all…..+ c6 d6 P( l! q( l6 W8 y+ J k
Some people strongly hold that*******************
^# p- V7 C* c' mIt’s undeniable that***********/ i1 `: \. K P8 W3 v9 t* g
It’s fact that***********: c+ L7 _6 K, _7 P" ^, d) Y- k
: Q1 X9 b+ v! H) J. L3 {4 R e& O7 D$ q第三段/ Q! M. b8 J4 X" ~: U4 n
第一句也通常为模版句5 ]. M9 q8 Z+ }+ e+ w$ }' z
Some other people,however,are strongly against ******for several reasons.
/ N& X2 e, p. g6 X然后开始列举论据
/ k7 z0 i( ]; j: k! D z, W' hPrimarily/Furthermore/Worst of all…
; `5 Q6 j( s3 l% A; I& f( A. u+ U<Fiona提示:个人认为第2段和第3段的模版句只在于起到很醒目的作用告诉考官你文章的结构,要精炼,要准确。其中真正拿分的看的到语言功底的部分是中间列举论据的部分。>- A2 B" N& d/ E
& k: I. [; H6 U7 E9 j! R$ m6 G: m第四段(表明自己态度)& k. ]1 A" h/ P( V, t7 j
0 q' I2 C0 Q3 ?) a& R0 H
' e l/ w) N6 q* O: U9 F模版句:
0 n8 U+ G% C6 s# s1 pIn the final analysis,both sides have sound foundations.However,if asked to make a choice,I will not hesitate to assent to the latter/former.(这句子很不错!)