I had a very good time at my holiday .I went to see the Great Wall with my friends ,and after that We all started for Beijing,a great in Cna .It is so big that we lost our way .We had to ask the policeman for help ,and finally we found our way .We visited many places of great interest in Beijing.All the places we visited impressed us .At the end ,we went to home with great pleasure.我只有一篇,人家才五年级,见谅。嗯 还有就是 目前我在学的ABC天卞口语的助教和我提到,事实上要掌握好英语是轻松的。一定需要个适合的学习环境与闇练口语对象 重点就是老师教学经验 纯正欧美口音才可以,保持每天口语练习 一对一家教式教学才可以有很.好.的进步幅度..上完课还要重复复习课堂音频,来进一步深化知识!不过实在无对象可练习的环境,只能去 VOA或BBC得到课后材料阅读 多说多练一下子语感就提升起来,学习效益是必定最佳的!