1、Luminescent /,lʊmə'nɛsnt/
Procing a soft light. 柔和的光、冷光。
Rhythm 韵律: /,lʊmə'nɛsnt/ 读起来也有一种莫名美感。
2、Solitude /'sɑlətud/
Being alone for reflection. Examples: He leads a life of solitude. I need some solitude to think about things. 独自思考的空间,隐居。比如:他过着隐居生活。我需要一些空间来思考。
3、Aurora /ɔ'rɔrə/
Natural light appearing in the sky near the north and south poles 北极光或者南极光
4、Epiphany /ɪ'pɪfəni/
A-ha moment of realization. Not in a negative way, but when you finally figure out the solution to something or the secret of life’s success 醍醐灌顶。一般指灵光乍现,想出了解决方案或者明白了人生道理。
5、Ephemeral /ə'fɛmərəl/
Lasting a short time. Short-lived. 转瞬即逝,朝生暮死。脆弱而美好的事物,谁人不爱。
6、Effervescent /efə'vesənt/
Bubbly, like in a cola. 气泡状的。
Not in a harsh way. Like Tara’s personality. 柔和的,又有活力。就像Tara的性格。这个词可以用来形容性格哦。
1. The glow of one warm thought is to me worth more than money. 温暖的想法散发出的光辉,对我的价值胜过金钱。
2. The power of imagination makes us infinite. 想象力让我们突破极限。
3. Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud. 试着成为别人天空里的那道彩虹吧。
4. A No. 2 pencil and a dream can take you anywhere. 一2号铅笔,一个梦想,就能带你去任何你想去的地方。
5. The furthest way about is the nearest way home. 欲速则不达。
6. It is always the simple that proces the marvelous. 大道至简。
7. Light tomorrow with today. 用现在点亮未来。
8. There is no cure for birth and death save to enjoy the interval. 生与死没有解药,所以只能在生死之间去享受生活。