发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 23:10
热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 13:36
K-Swiss(NASDAQ: KSWS)是一家总部在加利福利亚洛杉矶Westlake Village的美国鞋业公司,公司以K-Swiss为品牌设计、研发、销售一系列运动休闲鞋。韩国代言人是当红女演员姜素拉。
K·Swiss 世界著名休闲鞋品牌K·Swiss始于1966年,由一对瑞士兄弟(Art)及艾奈斯宾纳(Earnest Brunner)创立,两人抱着满腔热诚,成功制造了全球第一双全皮网球鞋———K-Swiss经典鞋(K-Swiss classic)。其优美经典的五行间设计,面世后立即引起轰动,延续至今,已逾三十年。K-Swiss于世界运动鞋坛上屡获殊荣。1990年K-Swiss被美国Footwear News杂志选为“全年最佳公司”。其后在1991年及1992年划时代的K-Swiss Si-18科技更被美国权威杂志(Tennis Magazine)选为“全年最佳网球鞋”。2000年,K-Swiss于美国运动品休闲系列中独得28.5%升幅,更名列为美国五大运动休闲品牌之一,其超卓的市场地位实在毋庸置疑。 是目前纽约 日本 韩国等地 年轻人中最为时尚的休闲鞋。
热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 13:36
K-Swiss was founded by two Swiss brothers who became avid tennis players after moving to Southern California. In 1966, they introced the K-Swiss "Classic," the first all-leather tennis shoe with a one-piece rubber outsole, reinforced toe-design, five-stripe bands on each side, and D-Ring lacing system. Since then, K-Swiss has continued to build on its performance heritage with new footwear for serious tennis players, as well as training shoes for all athletes. Today, the "Classic" still enjoys popularity as a clean, original, athletic look that is always appropriate off the court. In our opinion, there is only one reason to wear K-Swiss. It's because they are the best. If you don't believe us, (we are biased), just ask someone who wears them, or try a pair for yourself. We are only interested in making the best proct available. We have a history of quality and creativity, and we continue to bring new and innovative proct to the market each year. K-Swiss is not interested in paying athletes millions of dollars to try to sell you our shoes. We think the proct speaks for itself — let it speak for you — put your spin on it. 我实在是找不到k-swiss的中文介绍,我看这篇英文介绍也不是很难,将就一下吧! k-swiss的官方网站: www.k-swiss.com
热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 13:37
K-Swiss由两位瑞士兄弟创立,他们在搬到南加州后成为狂热的网球运动员。 1966年,他们推出了K-Swiss“Classic”,这是第一款全皮革网球鞋,采用一体式橡胶外底,加强鞋头设计,两侧各有五条条纹带,以及D-Ring系带系统。从那时起,K-Swiss一直致力于打造其性能传统,为严肃的网球运动员提供新鞋,并为所有运动员提供训练鞋。今天,“经典”作为一种干净,原始,运动的外观仍然很受欢迎,在球场外总是合适的。我们认为,穿K-Swiss只有一个理由。这是因为他们是最好的。如果你不相信我们,(我们有偏见),只要问一个戴着它们的人,或者为自己尝试一对。我们只对提供最好的产品感兴趣。我们拥有质量和创造力的历史,我们每年都会继续为市场带来新的创新产品。 K-Swiss不想向运动员支付数百万美元来试图卖给你我们的鞋子。我们认为该产品不言而喻 - 让它为您说话 - 把它旋转
热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 13:37