发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 21:28
热心网友 时间:2022-05-02 23:08
1--Our story begins high over New York City...我们的故事开始于
2--in the luxurious penthouse apartment...一间纽约市的属于也许是这个世界上最不像天才的…
3--of perhaps the most unlikely genius the world has ever known.楼顶豪华别墅里。
4--Sorry. You caught me doing my yoga.对不起,被你撞见我在做瑜伽了。
5--You were expecting downward dog, perhaps?你以为我是一只倒过来的狗?
6--My name is Mr. Peabody.我的名字是皮博迪。
7--And since we're going to be spending some time together...因为我们将会相处一段时间…
8--I'd like to tell you a little bit about myself.所以我愿意先和你介绍一下我自己。
9--You see, ever since I was a pup...当我还是一只小狗的时候…
10--it was clear that I was different.很显然我与众不同。
11--I tried to fit in...我曾试着融进狗群…
12--As I grew, I saw more and more of my littermates...随着我逐渐长大,我见到越来越多的“狗友”……
皮博迪(泰·布利尔 Ty Burrell 配音)是一条与众不同的小狗,它拥有绝伦无比的高智商,因此注定拥有迥异于同类的“狗生”。它持有哈佛学位,成功开发了新能源,*解决地缘*,还创立了属于自己的公司。皮博迪偶然机缘下收养了和它有着类似经历的人类小孤儿舍曼(麦克斯·查尔斯 Max Charles 配音),它如同慈父一般悉心教育着他的儿子,并利用自己开发的时光机带舍曼回到未来每一个重要时刻,亲身经历书本上枯燥的历史事件。转眼舍曼到了上学的年龄,他丰富的历史知识得到老师表扬,却也引来高傲的小姑娘佩妮·彼得森(阿芮尔·温特 Ariel Winter 配音)的嫉妒和欺负。舍曼和佩妮的冲突使皮博迪陷入前所未有的艰难境地,为了保住对舍曼的抚养权,它想尽办法取悦佩妮的父母和相关机构负责人。
热心网友 时间:2022-05-03 00:26
If is called the dog means smart, single-minded, kindness, love, and so is my dog
Sherman, no matter what challenges you face, no matter what do you think of me how far is it from you, I have been in your side
Hands-on learning the lessons of history is better than anything, though, is that right?