With the passage of time, with the increase of age, my parents and distance closer. At one's leisure, always like talking with them, sometimes talk about me in trouble at school, sometimes talk about my growing experience, sometimes talk about parents' hard work. I graally understand the parents care and thought, know their work is not easy.
In the future days, should do all I can to be thankful parents; the father and mother need help, try my best to help them.
Thanksgiving parents need us to do too much, let a son to use this life to slowly to finish.
i love you baba mama zhe me jiu shi er zi bu dong shi le,rong ni men cao xin le ,wo hui yong hou ban sheng lai xiao shun ni men,yi ding bu hui zai rang ni men shi wang di 2 ci,qing ni men fang xin.我绝对不容忍我的人生在同一个事情上失败第2次。而且我心,就是大萍。没心了啥都没用。看着大宝我是真后悔当初啊,最起码的信任都丢了。该我这样反省反省也是对的一次历练。对以后的人生受用无穷啊。
I would never forget the time that I have spent with my parents no matter what will happen in the future. 不管将来怎样,我不会忘记那些与我父母一同度过的美好时光。