发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-22 00:32
热心网友 时间:2024-08-06 09:33
1. 歌词改写:
- 自你离开以后,Since you left years ago
我就失去了温柔,I’ve lost my tenderness; I lost you.
- 等待在这雪山路漫长,Standing on this snowy mountain high
听寒风呼啸依旧,I feel the icy wind blow.
- 一眼望不到边,Watching the boundless lake
风似刀割我的脸,With the harsh wind biting my face.
- 等不到西海天际蔚蓝,Failing to see the azure sky of the Western Sea
无缘着苍茫的高原,On the vast plateau, I set myself free.
- 还记得你,I keep you in mind
答应过我不会让我把你找不见,Who promised me you’d never leave me.
- 可你跟随,But with those
那南归的候鸟飞得那么远,The migrating birds to the South fly so far away.
- 爱像风筝断了线,Our love, like a kite cut loose,
拉不住你许下的诺言,Cannot hold the promises you made.
- 我在苦苦等待,I have been waiting long
雪山之巅温暖的春天,For the spring warmth at the mountain peak.
- 等到高原,I wait until
冰雪融化之后归来的孤雁,The solitary geese return after the ice melts into the sea.
- 爱再难以续情缘,Our love is too difficult to continue
回不到我们的从前,And it cannot return to our past days.
- 风似刀割我的脸,With the harsh wind biting my face,
等不到西海天际蔚蓝,I cannot wait to see the azure sky of the Western Sea.
- 无缘着苍茫的高原,On the vast plateau, I set myself free,
还记得你,I keep in mind
答应过我不会让我把你找不见,Who promised me you’d never leave me.
- 可你跟随,But with those
那南归的候鸟飞得那么远,The migrating birds to the South fly so far away.
- 爱像风筝断了线,Our love, like a kite cut loose,
拉不住你许下的诺言,Cannot hold the promises you made.
- 我在苦苦等待,I have been waiting long
雪山之巅温暖的春天,For the spring warmth at the mountain peak.
- 等待高原,I wait until
冰雪融化之后归来的孤雁,The solitary geese return after the ice melts into the sea.
- 爱再难以续情缘,Our love is too difficult to continue
回不到我们的从前,And it cannot return to our past days.
2. 歌曲简介改写: