To mourn the Lidice tragedy and all the children killed in war in the world, to oppose the abuse and poisoning of children, and to safeguard the rights of children.
In November 1949, the International Federation of Democratic Women held a council meeting in Moscow. Representatives of various countries indignantly exposed the crimes of killing and poisoning children by imperialists and reactionaries.
In order to guarantee children's right to life, health care and ecation in all countries of the world, and to improve children's lives, the Conference decided to celebrate International Children's Day on June 1 every year.
The establishment of the internationalchildren's day,and ring the second world warmassacre of a famous--Lidicemassacreof.In 1942June,the German Fascistshot of the Czechvillage of Lidicemen over the age of 16citizens and all more than 140 babies,and women and 90 childrentaken to concentration camps.The village houses,buildings were burned,a village itwas ruined by theGerman fascists.After the Second World War,the world economic recession,tens of thousands ofworkersunemployed,lived alifesuffer hunger and cold.Children are worse,some got infectious diseases,batch to die;some were forced to as a child,suffering,life and life is not guaranteed.To mournLidicemassacreandall of the world's children died in the war,against the killing and poisoning of children,and theprotection of the rights of the child,in 1949November,the International Democratic women'sFederation Council meeting held inMoscow,Chinaandrepresentatives angry expose theimperialistreactionaries and killing,poisoned children's crimes.In order toensure world children's rights,healthrights
The international children's Daychildren'spainting works(20)andthe right to ecation,to improve the lives of children,the meeting decidedin June 1st of each year as theinternational children's day.[1]then many countries agreed,especially the socialist countries.
Manycountries in the world will beJune 1st as children's festival,especially in socialist countries.In Europe and the United States,children's Daydate each are not identical,and there is often littlecelebrations.So it ismisunderstoodas only socialist countrieswill be in June 1st as theinternational children's day.
In order to protect theworldof children's rights,in 1949November,the International Democratic women'sFederationheld in Moscow board decided,in June 1st each year asthe international children's day.After the founding of new China,the Central People's Government on December 23, 1949,theChinachildren's dayand international children's day together.